P_njLUh6kgQ in Lok Fu
Lifestyle Photograhy (2)Hired rate7📷Master R ✨Our profession is to make time stop for you to appreciate✨ Wedding photography|Pre-wedding photography|Family group photo|Baby photography|Company event photography|Promotional publications|Riuwu photography|Graduation photography|Art...Pet PhotographyOutdoor PhotographyFamily Photography+ 5RemoteWeb,Graphics,App,Workspace & Equipments,and others (2)Hired rate624 hours a day, all year round, solve your problems as quickly as possible, transparent prices, never overcharge, probably the most cost-effective computer and creative ...Computer Repair and SupportData RecoveryLaptop Repair+ 7RemoteFacial and Body Treatment,Nutrition,Exercise & Fitness (4)Hired rate6[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我叫Bobo 🍑Peach Gym女子健身工作室的創始人"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"INSTAGRAM社交平台擁有過十萬粉絲的女健身教練博主✨ "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"2022香港環球賽美臀健身小姐全場冠軍⚜️"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"沒有練不出的臀,只有錯誤的訓練技巧!早學早受益"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本人從就業以來只專注女性訓練。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"包括減脂,增肌,產後修復,蜜桃臀,馬甲線,上身倒三角塑形訓練以及專業體態糾正服務。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我一共服務過超過400個女性,年齡10-65歲都有,所以我針對女性的健身訓練的經驗真的非常豐富。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"客戶個案包括,肥胖體質的針對性減脂訓練(飲水都肥),偏瘦體質的針對性增肌訓練,產後媽媽快速減脂塑形訓練,產後媽媽腹直肌愈合修復訓練,女子健美比基尼 美臀小姐比賽備賽訓練,勞損復健訓練。。。 "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我會仔細和每個客戶溝通了解她們的目標,根據不同人的體質設計不同的訓練計劃並和我公司的營養師一起去幫助女學員們制定完善合適的飲食計劃。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我的目標是幫助每一個學生們塑造一個自信 健康漂亮的身形。 不管您想變美還是...Belly BindSlimming TreatmentsNutritionist Service+ 4Ngau Chi WanDigital Marketing (5)Hired rate16InMagin Studio specializes in providing online promotional videos, which have been widely praised, and have been trusted by major companies and artists, and their professionalism ...KOL PlatformContent Marketing網絡行銷公司+ 5Kwun TongExercise & Fitness (3)Hired rate4[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本人學習瑜伽多年,持有香港&國際瑜伽協會200小時瑜伽導師證書;并於 2017跟隨Andery Lappa大師到尼泊爾接受Universal Yoga 300小時導師綀習。同時在尼泊爾向國際頌鉢大師 Santa Ratna Shakya 學習 頌鉢療法,并擁有頌鉢愈療證書。\n 如每一位瑜伽導師都清楚明白,...Yoga LessonStretching LessonFortress HillAudio Visual Lessons,Venue Rental,Other Music Lessons,Guitar Courses NEWHired rate0We are a professional recording studio and digital music production studio. We have participated in the music, production, recording, mixing, publishing and other projects of ...Studio RentalElectric Guitar LessonUkulele Lesson+ 10Ngau Tau KokAccounting & Taxes NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"註冊會計師,擁有超過25年以上會計及財務報表分析經驗,曾為多間機構提供服務。服務範圍包括:報稅,簿記,財務報表,新公司成立,公司秘書等服務。","font":"body1"}]}]...Personal Tax PreparationOffice SecretaryBookkeeping+ 2RemotePersonal Affairs NEWHired rate1Jinxing funeral service is an ancestral family business. The ancestors’ funeral industry in Hong Kong has been rooted for many years. Now it is inherited ...Funeral servicesRemoteExercise & Fitness (10)Hired rate10I have been teaching fitness for many years, and I have also won the Hong Kong Men's Bodybuilding Championships in 2011. I have achieved excellent ...Personal TrainingRemoteGraphics,Transport,Workspace & Equipments,Design & Renovation,and others (27)Hired rate107Kuailiangzheng Design Engineering Co., Ltd., established in 2018, mainly provides various design and decoration engineering services, and even provides abandoned furniture services. With the tenet ...Demolition or Restoration ServiceEngineering CorporationOutdoor Improvement+ 54Kwun Tong
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