Furniture Moving in Lam Tin
Walking Services,Hair & Makeup,Wedding Ceremonies (10)Hired rate23[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"化妝師Carrie , 擁有 15年 化妝經驗,提供新娘,姊妹,媽咪,宴會化妝, 廣告 舞台化妝服務, 歡迎查詢😊"}]}]...Wedding MakeupSpecial Event MakeupPerformance Makeup+ 2Tsim Sha TsuiWorkspace & Equipments,Moving Services,Repairs & Maintenance (3)Hired rate7[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"創新搬運搬屋公司為香港註冊公司,紮根超過三十年,聘請超過10年搬屋經驗的大師傅提供搬屋,搬寫字樓,辦公室搬運等搬運搬屋 及 存倉服務。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"創新搬屋公司具有豐富搬運經驗,我們堅持提供優質搬運服務給予支持每位客戶,為他們解決搬屋上煩擾,不單只是搬運、存倉及傢俬裝崁都能一手包辦,是您最值得信賴的搬屋公司。我們在香港已有30年搬運經驗,配備專業吊運設備,無論是村屋唐樓搬屋都能輕鬆解決,值得您推介的香港搬屋公司。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"服務聲明 : "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本公司強烈讉責其他搬屋公司\"坐地起價\"事宜,除非客戶認同我司工作表現,自願給予小費,否則我們一律不會向客戶收取報價以外的額外費用。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本公司報價時會因應地區、物品多少、搬運環境或複雜程度而釐訂合理的搬屋服務收費。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"客人如需更改搬屋日期,請最少七個工作天前與我們搬屋公司聯絡。"}]}]...Furniture Disposal Services辦公室搬遷Relocation+ 3Shau Kei WanHair & Makeup,Wedding Ceremonies,Styling & Makeup,Other Lessons,and others (4)Hired rate14[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"font":"body1","text":"BOBOLIU MAKEUP "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"font":"body1","text":" 專業新娘化妝及髮型服務"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"font":"body1","text":" BOBOLIU 從事行業十多,深受顧客的信任和支持。以自然甜美、簡潔優雅、...Makeup ClassesWedding Makeup過大禮+ 3Tsim Sha TsuiPet Grooming (12)Hired rate30Three years of experience as a pet groomer in a pet store, six to seven years of experience in door-to-door pet grooming, a pet groomer ...At-Home Pet GroomingRemoteInstallation (57)Hired rate224My younger brother works in a power engineering company. A professional license company issued by the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department is a registered electrical ...Electrical WorksAir Conditioner Installation and RepairLighting InstallationRemoteProofreading & Translation,Personal Development (23)Hired rate577[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"專業翻譯 💯 保證滿意. \n\n我地既翻譯團隊全部都系三大翻譯系畢業 質素保證! 貼心服務 準時交貨! 不滿意可無條件退款😊👍"}]}]...Resume EditingTsim Sha TsuiDomestic Helper Services,Deep Cleaning,Office Chores,Engineering & Remodel (4)Hired rate18🎖Confidence Guarantee - Asia's leading hygiene and disinfection company - 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣1️⃣ won the ISO 9001 international certification🏆 💥 Wide range of services - disinfection...Home CleaningHome AssistanceDeep Cleaning+ 16All Hong KongTransfer Quotations,Workspace & Equipments,Renovation,Installation,and others (70)Hired rate92Your Dream House ~ You should have it! *The first company in Hong Kong to provide *Acceptance List* Customers can have *seven days* for customers ...Furniture WorksAir Conditioner Installation and RepairDoor Installation+ 28Kwun TongString Instrument Lessons,Percussion Lessons,Music,Vocal Lessons,and others (18)Hired rate193✨In 2008, the Performing Music Arts Center was established at Cheung Lung Wan Plaza in To Kwa Wan and has been providing high-quality music and...Singing LessonsPiano LessonsGuitar Lessons+ 12To Kwa WanRenovation (43)Hired rate8135 years of professional interior decoration and maintenance, window inspection, hydropower engineering, mud water, paint, wood furniture My philosophy is to make guests have a ...Full Home RenovationHome RenovationPartial Renovation+ 1All Hong Kong
Furniture Moving near Lam Tin
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