BH CVCICItc in Kwun Tong

Directory > Kwun Tong > BH CVCICItc > 1000 matched Pro
    Ball Games,Boxing,Exercise & Fitness
    Hired rate6
    Hi, my name is Allen. I have been engaged in fitness coaching for 5 years, holding an American professional certificate, internationally recognized NASM CPT (personal ...
    Personal Training
    Stretching Lesson
    + 4
  • KiKey
    Home Repair & Installation,Security System
    Hired rate14
    [{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我姓黃,擁有多年的安裝維修電子門鎖, 機械鎖和防盜眼安裝經驗,已協助超過2000個客戶解決問題,期間得到很多客戶的信任。\n我是提供上門服務,服務範圍包括港九新界等。\n如對門鎖, 維修有任何問題,歡迎客戶向我查詢,我十分樂意為你解答。"}]}]...
    Unlock and Lock Changing Service
    Digital Door Lock Installation and Repair
    Security Camera Installation
    • 客人自備門鎖
  • ken
    Security System,Workspace & Equipments,Quality Inspection,Household Service,and others
    Hired rate14
    One cent for the price, two cents for the goods. I am selling quality, not price....
    Air Conditioner Installation and Repair
    Air Conditioning Cleaning
    Lighting Service
    + 19
    Hung Hom
  • 健身教練 | Vanessa Yip
    Exercise & Fitness
    Hired rate2
    Experience: Since 2015 📄 📄Certificate/Certificate NameQualification - AASFP: Advanced Personal Trainer Certificate (Excellence) - Hong Kong Stretching Association: Stretching Instructor Certificate. - CPR certificate...
    Personal Training
    Stretching Lesson
    TRX Suspension Training
    Kwun Tong
  • Alice Kong
    Facial and Body Treatment
    Hired rate76
    Alice is the first senior female trainer in Hong Kong to hold both fitness trainer and belly piercing licenses. She has more than 10 years ...
    Belly Bind
    Wan Chai
  • 專業表演訓練|8年教學經驗|扭波波 | Haze illusion
    Kids and Toddlers,Wedding Performance,Performers & Artists,Venue Decoration,and others
    Hired rate17
    [{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"HAZE ILLUSION -"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"表演藝術及娛樂達人"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"HAZE ILLUSION致力成為表演藝術及娛樂達人,從2014年開業至今,我們已經服務超過200+不同的幼稚園、中小學、商業表演、政府機構、社福機構、教會及特殊教育需要。除了令觀眾可享受多元化的娛樂節目外,更重要的是我們提供課程多年來培育不同娛樂表演項目的年輕學子,令娛樂藝術得以繼承。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我們以魔術表演為主要領域,我們的專業表演團隊亦提供多元化的表演項目 包括:魔術表演、小丑表演、扭氣球表演、夢幻泡泡表演等。適合不同機構,學校及商業表演。...
    Kids Classes
    Magic Lesson
    + 9
    Tuen Mun
  • 小提琴老師 Ian Chow
    String Instrument Lessons,Wedding Performance,Performers & Artists
    Hired rate8
    周sir - 資深小提琴老師,具15年經驗 - 香港樂團 (Hong Kong Orchestra) 成員 - 曾於日本(Ms Ayako Ichimaru) 及美國小提...
    Violin Lesson
    Music Performance
    Music Performance
    Causeway Bay
    • Cafe 1930
  • Kaiserks
    Lifestyle Photograhy,On Wedding Day,Wedding Service,Audio Visual Lessons,and others
    Hired rate19
    Photography Lesson
    Pet Photography
    + 21
    San Po Kong
  • SOLO Studio
    Percussion Lessons
    Hired rate19
    [{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"🌈 關於我們|\n2016年於九龍灣成立,專注於樂器教學,課程包括管弦樂、流行鼓、樂理等等。Solo——獨奏,是最能展現出音樂家技術的表演。本校的理念在於發掘學生的音樂潛能,培育學生而能達致獨當一面的水平,演奏出最動人的Solo🎵"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"\n參與我們的音樂課程,學生不僅在演奏技巧上取得顯著進步📈,更有機會參與各類音樂比賽贏得獎項🏆,展現他們的才華。我們引以為傲的專業指導和豐富學習資源,同時協助學生在音樂考試中獲得優異成績💯,為他們的音樂旅程增添色彩🎉。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"\n👶🏻兒童流行鼓課程(4-15歲)🥁\n探索音樂的奇妙節奏!我們的流行鼓課程為4-15歲的孩子打開音樂之門。透過有趣的互動和活潑的教學方式,孩子們將不僅學到打鼓技巧,更能感受音樂的樂趣。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"學習是一場充滿冒險和樂趣的旅程!我們的教學方法就像一場魔法一樣,讓孩子愛上音樂:透過有趣的遊戲、故事、積極激勵的方式等,激發學生對音樂的熱情,讓孩子在輕鬆的氛圍中愛上音樂。我們的導師以豐富的教學方法,打造一個充滿愉悅的學習環境,幫助學生展翅高飛,成為真正的小小音樂家!"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]}]...
    Drum Lesson
    Jazz Drum Lesson
    All Kowloon
    • 兒童流行鼓鼓房,流行鼓專誠為兒童訂製,比一般流行鼓細,適合三歲或以上。
    • 兒童鼓房其中一面牆是玻璃,家長可在房外觀察兒童上課情況。
    • 流行鼓鼓房,設有兩套流行鼓(老師學員各一套)。適合八歲或以上學員使用。
  • 星辰網絡
    Web,Workspace & Equipments,Consulting Services,Gadgets
    Hired rate43
    ✔💁‍♂️Provide service-💻computer repair, computer maintenance works⚙ ⭕Service Scope👨‍💻: 💻 Computer Repair: 💻Dell, Lenovo, HP, Acer, Asus, Sony laptops and Macbook ...
    Computer Repair and Support
    Data Recovery
    Website Design
    + 4
    Kwai Chung