Pet Sitting in Kwai Chung
Quality Inspection,Repairs & Maintenance,Installation (6)Hired rate21[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"奔杰建築公證行是一間建築漏水、損失評估的公證行。我們專業團隊擁有三十年建築工程及漏水糾紛處理經驗,客戶包括上市集團、各大發展商、建築公司、物業管理公司、大厦法團、各別業主及律師樓等。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"每一個個案,都會由奔杰建築公證行有限公司趙先生親自全過程現場處理,趙先生為極具經驗之建築測量師,亦為香港所有法庭接納之專家證人。每次現場堪察前,趙先生會先深入研究該漏水案件,然後才會帶領他的團隊到現場堪察及搜集證據,因為這樣才能為客戶得到最全面資料及爭取最大利益。 奔杰建築事務有限公司為奔杰建築公證行之母公司,提供一站式建築服務予客戶,由設計直到施工完成,無論...Anti-syphonage Pipe Installation And RepairWater Leak DetectionBusiness Anti-syphonage Pipe Installation And Repair+ 4RemoteGuitar Courses (1)Hired rate2wait. If you have any questions about [service], customers are welcome to inquire with me and I will be happy to answer them for you....Guitar LessonsDiamond HillMusic (1)Hired rate2I graduated from the Music Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, majoring in Saxophone, and studied under Mr. Michael CAMPBELL (former musician of ...Saxophone LessonsClarinet LessonsRemoteTraining (4)Hired rate11[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"專業上門貓貓保姆~我的專業*你的放心","font":"body1"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"","font":"body1"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"專業貓貓媬姆服務@擁有10年貓奴經驗@在職獸醫助護 @提供皮下水@餵藥或其他特別服務(例如:餵食生肉亦不用另外收費)","font":"body1"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"","font":"body1"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"服務收費主要按區同毛孩數量區分 1-4隻貓貓內 新界區收費@$200/天 沙田/九龍/香港@$250/天 東涌線@$250/天 馬鐵/將軍澳/西貢@$280/天","font":"body1"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"","font":"body1"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"每天1次計,每次上門時間約1小時。","font":"body1"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"","font":"body1"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"5-10隻貓貓內。 會額外加$50。照顧時間亦會加半小時至1小時,至1.5-2小時..上門服務會包括基本餵食,乾濕,零食。 清理貓砂盤。梳毛。放電。簡單家居清潔...Pet BoardingRemoteGadgets (4)Hired rate27[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本公司為全港各地區提供硬碟、手指、服務器RAID、SD卡、檔案、文件、視頻、相片,單反相機、專業攝影機、微信聊天記錄恢復、勒索病毒解密恢復、數據庫SQL/MY SQL中毒解密恢復等等所有相關的數據恢復服務。我們專注于各種服務器、PC、硬碟、手機、手指、RAID等存儲介質的邏輯故障、物理故障----專業維修 iMac、 Macbook Pro、Macbook Air,15年芯片級維修經驗,底板維修、電池更換、屏幕維修、硬件升級、資料恢復,對底板損壞、爆芒、入水、換電池等問題經驗豐富"}]}]...Data RecoveryLaptop RepairAll Hong KongWeb,Design,IT & Development (7)Hired rate23We have been engaged in the design industry for more than 18 years, and have engaged in design work for many local and overseas companies, ...Business Card DesignLogo DesignFlyer Design+ 15Kwun TongRepairs & Maintenance,Workspace & Equipments,Moving Services (7)Hired rate17I have more than 20 years experience in moving house service! If you encounter any problems in moving house, please call me to inquire! As ...Furniture Disposal Services物流公司辦公室搬遷+ 6RemoteWorkspace & Equipments,Quality Inspection,Installation,Moving Services,and others (4)Hired rate4Evaluate the situation before quoting, seek facts, and the price is fair....Furniture WorksDemolition ServicesLighting Installation+ 14All Hong KongPhotography,Wedding Photos & Videos (2)Hired rate2Photographer|Wax Leung 📸Help you remember the precious pictures in your life❣️Don't let go of every simple thing in life, learn to feel the details ...Pre-Wedding PhotographyWedding PhotographyWedding & Banquet Photography+ 4RemoteDancing (15)Hired rate40Do you: 1. Apply for Vocational Grade Examination But the school failed to provide enough classrooms. Want to improve your skills, but failed to do ...Ballet ClassesSham Shui Po
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