NAvOTgI77Vs in Kwai Chung
Car Care NEWHired rate23[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"你好,我們是EVER POWER ENGINEERING LIMITED ,一站式提供不同品牌及自家品牌EV充電系統安裝、維修保養。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"服務流程:"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"* 客戶咨詢"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"* 預約師傅現場評估"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"* 最佳方案建議(入紙...EV charging facility installationRemoteWind Instrument Lessons NEWHired rate0Wong Lok Yung mat***@*****.com Tel. No. 539***14 Education Diploma in Music Foundations Trumpet Performance, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, 2022-2023 Bachelor of Music (Honours) ...Trumpet LessonTuba LessonTrombone Lesson+ 1All Hong KongBall Games NEWHired rate1•本地註冊球員 •本地註冊一級排球教練 •體式能教練 教學經驗:3年 中小學校隊 •Po On Commercial Association Wan...Volleyball LessonRemoteWedding Performance,Performers & Artists NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我是香港恆生大學傳理學系四年級畢業生,考獲皇家音樂鋼琴六級及樂理五級,居於新界粉嶺,擔任樂隊主唱,可到instagram查看我的cover和live show表現"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"*新樂隊獲邀請成為kolorfest2024的表演嘉賓,有一定實力水平,可到我"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"instagram私訊我查詢更多表演片段。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"過去有接不同類型的歌唱表演:"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"1. 演出類別1:"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"- 地點:餐廳駐唱"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"(荃灣Rooot餐廳、尖沙咀waxy bar"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"and restaurant • JEseason Camping•"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"銅鑼灣U Izakaya)"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"2. 演出類別2:"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"- 地點:商場演唱"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"(大埔大元商場、青衣城)"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"3.演出類別3:"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"- 地點:市...Music PerformanceMusic PerformanceSinging PerformanceAll Hong KongExercise & Fitness NEWHired rate2Practical actions to gain muscle and lose weight are worth a thousand words. If you are interested, please contact me....Personal TrainingRemoteDeep Cleaning,Office Chores NEWHired rate0🔰One-stop air-conditioning service🔰 Residential|Office|Industrial Building|School|Store $600【Deep Cleaning·Disinfection·Antibacterial Coating】One-stop service 🔹3 months nano photocatalyst anti-toxic coating 🛡 ☎️24 hours welcome WhatsApp 529***37 for...Air Conditioning CleaningAir Purification ServiceAll Hong KongBall Games NEWHired rate3💰Fee: $ 420 / person for one hour with a show Private group fee: welcome to inquire 📱 60 yuan per hour to book...Badminton LessonRemoteSmall Renovation,Design & Renovation NEWHired rate0Hello dear customers, we have been in business for many years and are committed to doing better for you👍🏻 From whole house paint refurbishment to ...Paint JobPartial RenovationHome RenovationRemoteGuitar Courses NEWHired rate0Years of teaching experience, with Rockschool Class 8 guitar certificate. Specially taught popular guitar courses are divided into introductory, elementary and regular courses, which are ...Acoustic Guitar LessonElectric Guitar LessonUkulele LessonRemoteString Instrument Lessons,Audio Visual Lessons,Percussion Lessons,Wedding Performance,and others NEWHired rate1Graduated from the Music Department of Chinese University, majoring in composition, harp, and minor in vocal music. He now teaches piano, harp, composition, a cappella ...Keyboard LessonPiano LessonChristian Music Lesson+ 15Sha Tin
NAvOTgI77Vs near Kwai Chung
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