Business Operation Admin in Kowloon City
Outsourcing,Proofreading & Translation NEWHired rate0My name is Henry See you and want to find a coach? You can check my qualifications with the following information: - ✅Four years of...Chinese TranslationEnglish TranslationEnglish Essay Editing+ 2RemoteApp (1)Hired rate4Today, online advertising has become the main marketing platform for many companies, and it has also brought many huge business opportunities to companies. ISKY MEDIA ...App Design科技券計劃App Development+ 1San Po KongWorkspace & Equipments,Design & Renovation NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Sonny是一位追求卓越生活品味的設計師,曾於英國德比大學主修室內設計,並獲得一級榮譽學士資格。他的設計理念是一種對生活的追求。他曾說:「設計不是一種職業,而是對生活的一種選擇。」而其對設計靈感是源自於人與人之間的互動,藉著自己多年的經驗,曾多次帶領進行不同的設計項目。Sonny擅長透過室內設計、市場營銷、平面設計和市場媒體策略,運用設計上的戰略,幫助企業提升價值。合作機構曾包括希慎集團、知名外送品牌Deliveroo、內地大型教育集團機智堡早托中心等。而其機智堡早托中心室內設計項目於2019年成功奪得Longlisted Dezeen Awards的設計獎項。除此之外,他以參與創作多媒體裝置藝術「索菲亞面對奇點」而感到自豪。該裝置藝術於2021年10月在蘇富比香港當代藝術拍賣日中以高達500萬港元的價格成交。"}]}]...Office Interior Design & RenovationRestaurant Interior Design & RenovationInterior Design+ 2RemoteWorkspace & Equipments,Gadgets NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"我是Lucas,擁有7年的電腦維修及安裝經驗,已協助[x]個客戶解決問題,期間得到很多客戶的信任。 除了門市服務外,我也提供上門服務,服務範圍包括電腦安裝維修、CCTV安裝、網絡設備安裝等。 如有任何問題,歡迎客戶向我查詢,...Printer RepairLaptop RepairComputer Repair and SupportRemoteConsulting Services (1)Hired rate4IG Autoaccount Limited has Australian, Taiwan and HK accounting experience. We are focused on providing bookkeeping service and are Xero expert which accounting software can ...Human Resources ConsultationTsim Sha TsuiAccounting & Taxes NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"曾於Big 4擔任審計經理及擔任財務總監, 在香港、大陸及台灣的審計、IPO、報稅、公司秘書及公司註冊、內控方面擁有豐富經驗 (8年經驗)"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"為香港會計師公會(HKICPA)的註冊會計師 (CPA),曾擔任財務總監的角色中,負責每月集團財務報告、會計入帳、標準作業程式的簡化、優化稅務規劃策略及改善現金流管理。亦會兼任公司秘書,填寫周年報表及股權轉讓等工作。瞭解香港/大陸/台灣的公司成立及財務審計管理"}]}]...AuditPersonal Tax PreparationBookkeepingRemoteSecurity System,Running Errands,Transport,Design & Renovation,and others NEWHired rate0I am [name], I have [x] years of [service] experience, I have assisted [x] customers to solve their problems, and I have gained the trust ...Home RenovationInterior DesignPartial Renovation+ 27RemoteCar Care,Running Errands,Transport,Design & Renovation,and others (3)Hired rate5I am ivan or Yajun. I have more than 3 years of experience. I have assisted the owner to solve problems in the suite, and ...Home CleaningMove in CleaningPost-renovation Cleaning+ 20Yuen LongOutsourcing (8)Hired rate8He began to learn violin at the age of six. He graduated from the Music Department of Hong Kong Baptist University, majoring in performance and ...Part-time ActorPrince EdwardApp NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"夢想創造者:您的手機應用程式開發團隊","font":"headline3"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"在這個數位化的世界裡,我們的團隊,夢想創造者,致力於將您的夢想轉化為現實。我們是一群充滿熱情、創新思維和技術專長的專業人士,專注於手機應用程式的開發。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我們的目標是創造出令人驚嘆的應用程式,不僅能滿足您的需求,更能超越您的期望。我們的產品範圍廣泛,從生活應用程式到遊戲,從社交媒體到企業解決方案,我們都能應對自如。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我們的團隊由一群經驗豐富的設計師、開發者和測試人員組成,他們對於創新和技術的熱情,使我們能夠提供最高品質的產品。我們的工作流程包括了從概念設計、原型製作、開發、測試到上市的所有階段,確保我們的產品能夠完美地適應您的需求。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我們的團隊不僅僅是開發者,我們是夢想家,是創新者,是您的夥伴。我們相信,只有通過我們的努力,才能將您的夢想變成現實。我們期待與您一起創造未來,讓我們的產品成為您生活中的一部分。"}]}]...App Design科技券計劃App Development+ 1Remote
User Review
according to 8726 reviews
- Po LamFebruary 28, 2025Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
Very good attitude, very polite, punctual, accurate description
- Po LamFebruary 28, 2025Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
Very good attitude, very polite, punctual, accurate description
- Po LamFebruary 28, 2025Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
Very good attitude, very polite, punctual, accurate description
- Po LamFebruary 28, 2025Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
Very good attitude, very polite, punctual, accurate description
- 莫小姐February 27, 2025Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
Very good attitude
- Kirpalani LaveshFebruary 27, 2025
Quick and efficient.
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