Hong Kong Directory

Directory > Hong Kong > 34048 matched Pro
  • LaLa Hair
    Hair Salon
    Hired rate645
    A hair salon run by hairstylists with many years of experience La La Hair has about 10 professional hairstylists, all of whom have at least ...
    Hair Coloring
    + 3
    Tsim Sha Tsui
  • Sammi Li
    Wind Instrument Lessons
    Hired rate0
    [{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"李氏生於香港,由七歲開始學習薩克管,師隨張立先生、候嘉行小姐、梁國章先生以及王逸懷先生。畢業於香港浸會大學音樂系,主修薩克管,一級榮譽畢業。並跟隨黄德釗博士研修 ,今年將於香港教育大學音樂教育文學碩士畢業。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"李氏是一位具有豐富樂團及演出經驗的樂手。在小學期間已從不同比賽中屢獲佳績,例如香港校際音樂節、歐洲易不河谷音樂節等等,勝出過多個大,小型比賽…同時亦擔任不同歌手演唱會的色士風樂手,例如林家謙,Serrini…等。同時亦受邀為不同大小的團體作演奏,例如: 宏利保險,太古廣場,AIA."}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"她在十四歲開始加入香港青年色士風樂團作其樂手,其後並跟隨香港色士風樂團到新加坡作演出及到泰國比賽,奪得冠軍。同時亦參與香港國際薩克斯管工作坊,跟隨謝德驥博士,Philip Geiss, Vincent David, Steven Page…學習薩克管技巧。今年李氏亦成為香港青年色士風樂團初團指揮以及香港青年色士風學院的專業導師一職。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"亦於2023年到亞太薩克斯風研習營受各大國際知名演奏家指導: "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"list","children":[{"type":"list-item","children":[{"text":"XAVIER ...
    Saxophone Lesson
  • Party Fun
    Venue Rental
    Hired rate8
    [{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Party Fun 旗下有12間不同主題和風格的Party Room。主要適合中小型聚會。位於旺角、茘枝角鬧市旺區,交通方便,設備齊全!稀有德州撲克枱、打卡靚靚花牆、狼人殺專用道具、靚靚影相打卡位分佈不同分店,總有一間合你心意。當然唔少得各類Board Game、Nintendo Switch、電動麻雀機等等啦。最適合一班朋友聚會打卡!"}]}]...
    Party Room
    Event Venue Rental
    Mong Kok
  • Recital Music & Art Centre
    Arts & Culture,Workshop
    Hired rate183
    Recital Music & Art Centre is located in To Kwa Wan. It was established in 2008 and has been teaching since then. It has developed ...
    Painting Lesson
    To Kwa Wan
  • 陳偉雄
    Workspace & Equipments,Storage & Moving
    Hired rate12
    Fast and reliable Our service is customer first and listens to customer needs. Arranged comprehensively with secure service. Free packaging is appropriate, allowing customers to ...
    Furniture Disposal
    + 3
  • Martin Tsang
    Running Errands,Exercise & Fitness,Dating & Relationship
    Hired rate7
    Elite Personal Trainer Strength and Conditioning Stretch-ability Coach Personal Training Certificate Advanced Personal Training Certificate TRX & HIIT Trainer Hong Kong Field Hockey Team 🇭...
    Personal Training
    Stretching Lesson
    + 4
    Tsim Sha Tsui
    • TRX Class
    • Before -> After 
Student - Nicola
    • Hip Strengthening Program 🍑
    • Hip Thrust
  • Gigi Kwok
    Exercise & Fitness
    Hired rate0
    [{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"💰設試堂和學生優惠","bold":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"🙅🏻‍♀️月付形式,無需一次性購買套票","bold":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"✨健身教練及健美運動員","bold":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"✨4年教學經驗","bold":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"✨專門指導女學生將健康同美食並存,學識正常飲食之餘亦唔需要捱餓,達到學生嘅健身目標,俾學生見到不一樣嘅自己。","bold":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"私人健身課租內容包含:"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"1. 度身設計嘅飲食建議(含熱量及營養素)"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"2. 根據你目前嘅體態同健康狀況,設計個人嘅訓練內容"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"3. 每星期...
    Female Personal Trainer
    Personal Training
    Lai Chi Kok
    • 呢位學生當初搵我嘅原因係:搵到一套合適而長遠嘅修身方法✨然後一修就修咗半年以上嘅時間 當中佢都有去吓旅行飯局,但每次玩完開心完佢就會back on track 見到佢有呢個成果我都好proud :)
    • 呢個學生regular每星期兩天運動,平日時間跟住教練俾佢嘅餐單備餐,放假日子就休息食好西開心吓,佢自己都感覺到自己著衫都合身,同開始知道點將diet&treat平衡
    • 中意遊山玩水嘅靚女學生❤️ 上山下海做瑜珈仲掂埋重訓 初初搵我個時話自己容易腰痛 每星期我哋一定會健身室見 原來 我哋行咗咁遠❤️多謝你信任我☺️ Keep住!加油!!
    Lifestyle Photograhy
    Hired rate2
    I am currently a professional photographer. I have worked as a reporter for Sing Tao Daily Sports for 4 years and as a product and ...
    Outdoor Photography
    Landscape Photography
    Indoor Photography
    + 6
    Kwun Tong
  • 寧心軒 (鑽石山店)
    Hired rate214
    A quiet and refreshing place The founder of Ningxinxuan was originally an office worker and loved sports and fitness. However, Hong Kong's urban life is ...
    Aromatherapy Massage
    Chinese Massage
    Foot Massage
    + 3
    Diamond Hill
  • 變靚啲~:)
    Pet Beauty
    Hired rate9
    I already have B and C licenses, I like animals, I am devoted to work, and have relevant work experience. Thanks a lot!...
    Pet Grooming
    Yuen Long