Heng Fa Chuen Directory
Treatment & Recovery NEWHired rate0This clinic (WONG'S TCM) is staffed by Hong Kong registered Chinese medicine practitioners with master's degree or above. Each physician has more than 15 years ...針灸治療Physiotherapy ServicePsychotherapy+ 2Wan ChaiTutoring NEWHired rate0I am Kathy TsaiAcademic TutoringGeography TutoringPrimary School TutoringRemoteConsulting Services NEWHired rate0Human Resources ConsultationSha TinGraphics NEWHired rate0Graphic designerGoogle Display Banner CreationBusiness Cards DesignExhibition and Booth Design+ 18Cheung Sha WanBusiness Research & Analytics NEWHired rate0Specialised in data analysis, business logic and forcast analysis, market trend analyst, human resources analysis or any fruitful business potential analysis....Business ResearchRemoteLanguage Lessons NEWHired rate0全職freelancer,經驗豐富西班牙文老師及專業翻譯 I am currently a freelancer who specializes in Spanish teaching and interpretation service....Cantonese Language LessonMandarin Language Lesson for AdultsSpanish Language LessonKwai ChungWeb NEWHired rate0/Freelancer /Graphic Designer /PhotographerUI DesignRemoteBusiness Research & Analytics NEWHired rate0Tell me what you want👍Mystery ConsumerRemoteVocal Lessons,Other Music Lessons NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"李文龍,香港男高音,畢業於香港演藝學院聲樂系,師從香港著名男高音譚天樂先生;後師隨著名歌唱家龔冬健先生繼續進修。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":" "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"在演藝學院,曾參與製作多個歌劇作品,包括香港歌劇院及香港演藝學院的製作,演唱的角色有:《費加洛的婚禮》費加洛、《唐·喬望尼》萊波雷洛、《卡門》丹凱羅、《鄉村騎士》阿爾菲奧等。2023年起,參與香港大歌劇院的製作,曾於Musica del Cuore演出。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"李氏自中學已表現出對音樂的追求,從中學開始參與學校音樂劇製作,並獲得多次獎項;進入專業院校學習以後,更獲得2022香港卓越音樂家大賽美聲獨唱公開組第三名。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]}]...Singing LessonHarmony LessonMusic Theory Lesson+ 1RemoteTutoring NEWHired rate0CCCU Accounting asso grad.Academic TutoringPrinciples of Accounting TutoringPrimary School Tutoring+ 2Remote
Service near Heng Fa Chuen
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