Mandarin Courses in Heng Fa Chuen
Languages (2)Hired rate2My pen name is JIYAHON, I graduated from the British Higher Diploma in Graphic Design of Caritas Bianchi Professional Design College, I have obtained A-level ...Japanese CoursesMandarin Language Lesson for KidsKorean Courses+ 1To Kwa WanOutsourcing,Proofreading & Translation,Tutoring,Languages (2)Hired rate4Many years of tutoring for primary and secondary schools, rich experience. Obtain a 5* score in the Chinese subject and a B score in the ...Cantonese CoursesMandarin CoursesChinese Tutoring+ 2RemoteLanguages NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"In the past 20 year I have been teaching academic and business English at colleges to young adult students and feel passionate about guiding ...Mandarin CoursesEnglish CoursesCantonese CoursesRemoteTutoring,Languages NEWHired rate1[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"你好,我是norman,現就讀香港中文大學中文系,擁有1年教學經驗。態度認真細心,熟悉香港中學課程內容。在所有卷別當中均曾取得5**成績,其中閱讀卷別更是接近八成,遠超5**cut off。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本人亦曾從普通學生一步步走來,明白文科提升成績絕不僅靠「技巧」,一位能夠詳細、準確解讀評分標準,並能夠給予即時回饋的導師也至關重要。本人將按需求提供自撰範文供學生參考,視情況提供相應卷別筆記供參照。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"無限課後詢問,課後批改(包括卷一、卷二)。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"無論粵語或國語均可。"}]}]...Chinese TutoringPrimary School TutoringSecondary Tutoring+ 1RemoteLanguages NEWHired rate0- Fluent in Cantonese and Putonghua (native level), one-to-one teaching in Putonghua is provided; - Have engaged in education and lecturer work in the Mainland, ...Mandarin CoursesRemoteLanguages (4)Hired rate15[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"從中見證孩子語言、知識、體育、自信、音樂感、人際關係、溝通及感情智商技巧的提昇。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我是[名字],擁有[x]年的[服務]經驗,已協助[x]個客戶解決問題,期間得到很多客戶的信任。\n\n除了門市服務外,我也提供上門服務,服務範圍包括[列出服務]等。\n\n如對[服務]有任何問題,歡迎客戶向我查詢,我十分樂意為你解答。"}]}]...Korean CoursesCantonese CoursesEnglish Courses+ 1Lai Chi KokOutsourcing,Dispute Resolution,Running Errands,Event Planning,and others (1)Hired rate1Consultation and freelance jobs are welcome!Professional OrganizerData EntryRelationship Counselling+ 4RemoteKids and Toddlers,Languages,Arts & Culture NEWHired rate030 years of rich experience in teaching children and adolescents, graduated from a professional normal school, familiar with and good at psychology, good at designing ...Mandarin CoursesKids PlaygroupDrawing & Painting ClassesAll Hong KongTutoring,Languages,Proofreading & Translation,Personal Development NEWHired rate1[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本人擁有國際漢語注册教師和家庭教育指導師資格證,碩士學位,香港作家聯會常務理事。在北京出生、成長,操流利標準的北京腔普通話和流利粵語。畢業於廣州暨南大學中國語言文學系,并取得工商管理碩士學位。在學期間獲得奬學金,畢業論文優異,刊登於《暨南大學》學報。在《明報月刊》撰寫專欄多年,并發表多篇美學教育學術著作。本人研究美學教育,中文及普通話教學經驗豐富,特別擅長教授寫作。學生遍布港九各大名校,有愛心有耐性,教學方法獨特,特別是漢語拼音教學,令學生輕鬆掌握標準普通話發音。了解學生心理,因材施教,以靈活互動、生動有趣的教學方法,激發學生的學習興趣及潛能,成績提升顯著。"}]}]...Chinese TutoringMandarin CoursesResume EditingRemoteLanguages NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"image","url":"","children":[{"text":""}],"loading":false},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Please refer to the above about my academic background and teaching experience"}]}]...Cantonese CoursesEnglish CoursesMandarin CoursesTai Koo
- XimenaAugust 5, 2024
Hellen is teaching my 5 and 2 year old Mandarin. She makes the class very fun and entertaining for them so they look forward to it. She is very patient, professional and flexible.
- linglingMay 22, 2023Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
The teacher taught well and carefully, and solved the Korean questions that I didn't understand before~
- queen chanMarch 19, 2023Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
The kids love Teacher Jenny very much. Since I don’t speak Mandarin very much, everyone started to like to speak Mandarin, and my pronunciation has improved to the left👍
- FrancisMarch 6, 2023Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
The teachers are well-qualified and have rich teaching experience. Can provide guidance for individual career needs of students. Many of my pronunciation and intonation problems have been corrected in the first class, which has benefited me a lot.
- Yuen Mei SeiMarch 5, 2023Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
Teacher Jenny is very professional, has a good level of Mandarin, and the class is lively and interesting. The small class teaching can improve children's interest in learning, and the overall satisfaction.
- Vi'vianSeptember 13, 2022Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
The topic of topik is well analyzed, one pass, happy. Thank you teacher~💕