GU4S7R6Gow4 in Happy Valley
String Instrument Lessons,Percussion Lessons,Wind Instrument Lessons,Vocal Lessons,and others (18)Hired rate193✨In 2008, the Performing Music Arts Center was established at Cheung Lung Wan Plaza in To Kwa Wan and has been providing high-quality music and...Orchestra Training LessonSinging LessonPiano Lesson+ 15To Kwa WanOffice Repair & Installation (56)Hired rate113Home Repair & Improvement, Home Automation Device Installation/ Programming, Electrical Home appliance Safety Inspection, EMSD Registered Electrician....Lighting ServiceElectricity Engineering ServiceFurniture Service+ 1Sha TinDancing,Fitness,Yoga,Exercise & Fitness (2)Hired rate4[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Soul Yoga主要提供:🌟痛症舒緩瑜伽 🌟空中瑜伽 🌟運動按摩 🌟健身課程 🌟一對一課程等等 \n我們的首席導師 林曉芬Fion Lam ,有4年在痛症診所教導痛症伸展及運動的經驗。亦受邀在不同報章合撰「健康及運動」的文章。\nSoul Yoga課程👉🏻沒有合約限制 👉...Aerial Silk Dance LessonPersonal TrainingCrossfit Lesson+ 8All Hong KongString Instrument Lessons,Audio Visual Lessons,Treatment & Recovery,Wind Instrument Lessons,and others (14)Hired rate21Six Months Rebellion Music- Music has no boundaries We know learning instruments need passion and takes time to practice. With a full-time job you only ...Acoustic Guitar LessonBass Guitar LessonElectric Guitar Lesson+ 12All Hong KongLifestyle Photograhy,Editing,Wedding Photography & Videography,Commercial,and others (4)Hired rate18📷 Photographer 📷 Photographer James has a wealth of photography experience. In 2020, 2016 and 2015, he won the PX3 ( award, the largest ...Wedding Registry PhotographyWedding Banquet PhotographyWedding Photography+ 16RemoteOverseas Studies,Exam Preparation,Tutoring,Running Errands,and others (2)Hired rate37[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"🌟 大家好,我是Jack,一名擁有17年經驗的兼職私人補習老師!專注於科學(物理、化學、生物)和數學(數學、額外數學)等領域 📚\n\n我精通IB、IGCSE、GCSE和DSE課程,並持有多項專業證書:\n- 📜 2021年,香港大學碩士(M. Phil)\n- 🎓 2015年,卡迪夫大學成像科學學士(BSc)\n- 🥼 2012年,香港大學醫學科學碩士(M. Med. Sc)\n- 🌱 2008年,香港科技大學生物學學士(BSc),輔修通識教育\n- 🌍 雅思成績:7.0\n\n我曾擔任大學講師,並擁有豐富的教學經驗。我的學生評價我反應迅速、目標明確,並在工作效率、服務效果與態度方面均獲得5顆星評價 ...Academic TutoringCalculus TutoringChinese Tutoring+ 22CentralWater Sports (9)Hired rate10Professional licensed private swimming coach with more than 10 years of experience, caring and patient, likes to get along with children. Target age: 4 years ...Swimming LessonQuarry BayHome Repair & Installation,Small Renovation (8)Hired rate14[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"超過15年專科防水漏水工程\n有屋宇署滲漏課程證書/ 合資格T1證書\n所有類型的修補新造防漏經驗豐富\n小型家居維修經驗豐富\n本公司最著緊係與客人溝通\n雙方溝通得好工程就會完美\n合理的基本保養及保養時間\n期望能為您服務\n提供價錢合理又有質素的工程"}]}]...Bathtub ReplacementWater Leak DetectionLeak Repair & Waterproofing Service+ 4San Po KongWind Instrument Lessons,Running Errands,Design & Customization,Volunteer Service NEWHired rate33722019 prices T-shirts: starting at 30 pieces, each price is 75 yuan, one single color printing on the front and the back, and 4-5 yuan ...ErrandsRecruit VolunteerTime Auction Volunteer Recruitment+ 23RemoteHome Repair & Installation,Workspace & Equipments,Storage & Moving (2)Hired rate6[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"創新搬運搬屋公司為香港註冊公司,紮根超過三十年,聘請超過10年搬屋經驗的大師傅提供搬屋,搬寫字樓,辦公室搬運等搬運搬屋 及 存倉服務。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"創新搬屋公司具有豐富搬運經驗,我們堅持提供優質搬運服務給予支持每位客戶,為他們解決搬屋上煩擾,不單只是搬運、存倉及傢俬裝崁都能一手包辦,是您最值得信賴的搬屋公司。我們在香港已有30年搬運經驗,配備專業吊運設備,無論是村屋唐樓搬屋都能輕鬆解決,值得您推介的香港搬屋公司。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"服務聲明 : "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本公司強烈讉責其他搬屋公司\"坐地起價\"事宜,除非客戶認同我司工作表現,自願給予小費,否則我們一律不會向客戶收取報價以外的額外費用。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本公司報價時會因應地區、物品多少、搬運環境或複雜程度而釐訂合理的搬屋服務收費。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"客人如需更改搬屋日期,請最少七個工作天前與我們搬屋公司聯絡。"}]}]...Furniture Disposal搬寫字樓Relocation+ 3Shau Kei Wan
GU4S7R6Gow4 near Happy Valley
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