Academic Tutoring in Happy Valley
Kids and Toddlers,Other Lessons,Tutoring NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"你好,我是Hilary,畢業於墨爾本大學,主修心理學及犯罪學。現就讀美國佛羅里達理工學院 應用行為分析碩士課程,擁有4年的ABA教學經驗。富耐性和經驗,態度認真負責,善用ABA教學技巧訓練有行為問題的兒童 ,當中包括自閉症,過度活躍症兒童,以改善他們的社交,言語,學術等問...Academic TutoringEnglish TutoringHomework Guidance Class+ 4RemoteTutoring (5)Hired rate82Gifted and gifted private tutors come to teach quality, professionalism and confidence idea: Gifted and Talented Support believes that every child can become an excellent ...Combined Science TutoringAcademic TutoringPhysics Tutoring+ 20CentralTutoring (2)Hired rate2Academic TutoringPrince EdwardTutoring NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Hello, I am Ms Cherie Chen, a professional early year educator with 10 years of experience. I specialize in tutoring and playgroup activities and have ...Academic TutoringChinese TutoringEnglish Tutoring+ 2RemoteTutoring,Keyboard Lessons,Dancing,Arts & Culture NEWHired rate0I am [Professor] [Name], I have [x] years of [Professional/Service] experience, I have served more than [x] customers, and I have received high praise. My ...Academic TutoringHomework Guidance ClassPiano Lesson+ 5RemoteOutsourcing,Accounting & Taxes,Proofreading & Translation,Tutoring NEWHired rate0I am a freshman in the Department of Professional Accounting of the Chinese University of China. Since 2014, I have been tutoring English and mathematics ...Event AssistantData EntryMystery Consumer+ 10Kwun TongExam Preparation,Tutoring NEWHired rate0I am a full-time tutoring teacher with students ranging from kindergarten to Form 6. I have more than ten years of tutoring experience. I love ...Academic TutoringEnglish TutoringEnglish Literature Tutoring+ 8Tai KooElective Subjects Tutoring,Tutoring NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"香港大學測量學系"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"BSc(Surv) year 1"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"對象:初中-高中"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"科目:物理、數學(中英皆可)、化學(僅限中文)"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"地區:港島及九龍"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"✅具責任心,有耐性,但亦要求學生具責任心"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"✅教學經驗廣泛:曾為中學各年級學生補習,明白不同學生需要"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"✅有私補經驗,現亦正為應屆DSE考生補習,有能力教學高中課程,過去亦曾為十位以上高中學生補習數理化科目"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"✅有教班經驗,正於母校執教中一增潤課程,亦曾於補習社擔任助教"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"✅曾獲邀回母校為中四師弟分享學習心得"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"✅出身傳統中中,深曉中中學生學習難點,能有效輔導學生,通曉考評要求"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"✅能提供中文及英文版物理筆記"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"✅個人經歷:中四上學期數學考試評級僅有Lv2,經過努力後於下學期躍升至Lv4,並最後於DSE取得5*佳績,當中MC 取得44/45 接近滿分成績;物理科亦從中四下學期不足4成不合格的成績,躍升至DSE中取得5*佳績,深明進步所需條件。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"DSE成績Best 5 27分"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"物理 5*數學 5*中文 5英文 5化學 5"}]}]...Physics TutoringAcademic TutoringMath Tutoring+ 2RemoteTutoring NEWHired rate8Graduated from the Department of Nursing, CUHK School of Medicine, a traditional prestigious school in the Central and Western District. Now a full-time tutoring tutor ...Math TutoringPhysics TutoringChemistry Tutoring+ 4Sai Ying PunTutoring NEWHired rate3本人出生於美國,是native English Speaker, 以優異成績畢業畢業於美國賓夕法尼亞大學——具政治科學與經濟的背景。 本...Chinese TutoringEnglish TutoringMath Tutoring+ 11Remote
User Review
according to 482 reviews
- CindyAugust 2, 2024Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
The lectures were clear and concise, and the students thought they were good. Come on
- kayee09211987@gmail.comJune 19, 2024Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
Want to know the details of tutoring fees?
- Sean ChiangDecember 27, 2023
Professional, structured and insightful
- angelSeptember 15, 2023Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
Commission-free, flexible trial class, quick introduction and follow-up by customer service, high-quality tutors, recommendation
- 梁愷芸May 3, 2023Auto-translated from Chinese (Traditional)show original review
May I know how to join your tutoring class?
- KateSeptember 16, 2022
Miss Chong is a patient teacher. My son loves her lessons!
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