Electrical Works Directory
Boxing,Fitness Training (66)Hired rate83我是私人教練 Ernie Cheung,擁有17年全職私人教練經驗,服務顧客超過一千個,且備受好評。我的服務範圍包括:。 專業資格: 🔺Advanced Personal Training Certificated 🔺Kick Boxing Training Certiticated 🔺Stretch-ability Training Certiticated 🔺Nutrient and...Personal Training健身教練課程CrossFit Classes+ 1RemoteRepairs & Maintenance (22)Hired rate34[{"type":"list","children":[{"type":"list-item","children":[{"text":"於SONY提供專業影音安裝服務接近10年"}]},{"type":"list-item","children":[{"text":"屢獲優越服務質素獎項"}]},{"type":"list-item","children":[{"text":"細心誠懇服務態度"}]},{"type":"list-item","children":[{"text":"因應客戶家居環境提供專業意見"}]},{"type":"list-item","children":[{"text":"熟悉不同質料牆...Hardware InstallationRemotePhotography (25)Hired rate73[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"👨🏻🦱我是專業攝影師\n⭐️超過15年攝影經驗.\n📌個人網站: https://www.terryszephotography.com/portraits/\n\n🎊近年作品多次獲獎:\n\n國家地理會德豐-攝影獎冠軍\n多份報紙均有報到及訪問:\n\nhttps://hk.lifestyle.appledaily.com/lifestyle/realtime/article/20190221/592***80\n\n旅遊發展局的reframing Hong Kong 攝影比賽\n作品在製成名信片,在各遊客中心派發🖼"}]}]...Pet PhotographyFamily PhotographyCorporate Headshot Photography+ 4Sai Ying PunKeyboard Lessons (13)Hired rate95Led by graduates of Master of Music Education and supported by senior performing musicians, the company is committed to providing high-quality diversified music services in ...Keyboard LessonsPiano LessonsYuen LongPhotography (41)Hired rate50Hi! I graduated from the School of Film and Television (Directing) of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. I was a finalist in the ...Family PhotographyCorporate Headshot PhotographyPortrait Photography+ 1RemoteRepairs & Maintenance,Engineering & Remodel,Installation (61)Hired rate93I'm chung, I hold electrician A, B, H licenses. With [18] years of experience in [Electricity/Engineering/Installation], my service scope includes: Electricity installation/repair/inspection and, household equipment ...Lighting Installation晾衫架安裝淘寶傢俬安裝+ 3RemoteString Instrument Lessons (46)Hired rate53Male violin tutor Cyrus. Obtained level 8 violin certificate as early as 2014. From 2014 to 2017, he served as the second violinist of the ...Violin LessonsMa On ShanTransfer Quotations,Design,Renovation,Workspace & Equipments,and others (38)Hired rate82Experienced - more than 2️⃣0️⃣ years of experience in professional air-conditioning installation and disassembly💨 Peace of Mind Guarantee - Registered Mechanic 📜 ✨Service Contents✨ ...Air Conditioner Installation and RepairOffice Interior Design & RenovationRestaurant Interior Design & Renovation+ 31RemoteQuality Inspection,Workspace & Equipments,Moving Services (184)Hired rate303[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"價錢最平唔一定最抵,value for money 先係皇道\n以客為專的服務態度,將每一項工作都做到最好\n服務範圍包括專業搬屋/村屋/唐樓 "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"新舊傢俬裝拆 舊傢俬處理 長短期存倉\n誠信可靠有禮 經驗豐富 以客為專 \n免費上門報價 明碼實價 不設小費\n歡迎查詢:\n54085456 ...搬雪櫃搬梳化Furniture Disposal Services+ 3RemoteWater Sports (25)Hired rate66持牌教練、多年經驗、信心保證 Registered and Approved Coach License with 10 Years+ Experience 提供男/女教練 Provide Male/Female coach Swimming Coaching Experience: ...Swimming LessonsRemote
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