3zRSO2oHS2w in Education
Chinese Instruments Lessons (1)Hired rate5Mr. Guo Music Qualifications Started to learn piano at the age of 3 and has more than 10 years of teaching experience. Graduated from the ...Guzheng LessonTsing YiChinese Instruments Lessons (1)Hired rate6[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"🎶專業資格 - 獲得上海音樂學院演奏級及中央音樂學院演奏級\n🎶學生為先 - 可於學生或導師家中上課\n🎶彈性教學 - 可按照學生要...Guzheng LessonRemoteQuality Inspection (4)Hired rate8[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"你好,我們是亞設工程公司, 專為業主提供一手樓宇驗樓服務,師傅有香港驗樓師學會文憑和證書資格。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我們會檢查單位內的每一角落,細心且有條理地查驗單位各個狀況,及後會提供一份詳細報告給業主以供發展商執修之用。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"如對我們有任何問題,歡迎客戶向我們查詢,我們會盡快回應解答。"}]}]...Property InspectionRemoteDancing NEWHired rate1[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"導師擁有接近12年的教學經驗🩰 希望小朋友透過學習芭蕾舞➡️優雅地成長 小班教學➡️照顧學習差異 正向教育令小朋友勇於接受新事物...Ballet LessonWong Tai SinStorage & Moving,Home Repair & Installation,Workspace & Equipments,Gadgets NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"list","children":[{"type":"list-item","children":[{"text":"Hello, we are [star Demolation engineering company ]. Founded in [2024], we primiarily offer services in [Demolation decorationall kind of paint work and all kind ...Furniture DisposalConstruction wasteFurniture Recycling+ 2RemoteWedding Photos & Videos,Wedding Photography & Videography NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"Rae Fung is a seasoned wedding photographer with an artistic flair, blending candid emotion and fine art composition to create timeless, story-driven images that celebrate ...Wedding Registry PhotographyPre-Wedding PhotographyWedding Banquet Photography+ 2Kowloon BayNursing and Care Services,Facial and Body Treatment,Massage & Acupressure (2)Hired rate3TQUK紮肚3級証書 TQUK產後護理Ofqual 3級文憑 City & Guilds IVQ Advanced Diploma in Teaching, Training & Assessing Learning ITEC Diploma in Laser and Intense Pulsed Light Treatment Level ...Baby MassageLactation MassageFacial+ 2RemotePersonal Affairs,On Wedding Day,Event Planning,Facial and Body Treatment,and others (1)Hired rate4[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"學歷:\n美國 - Master of Science in Psychology \nTQUK Lv 6 - Diploma in Health Care and Nutritional Therapy\n應用心理學專業文憑\n特殊教育文憑\n英國 IFA 香薰治療師文憑\n營養科學及食品安全文憑\n應用營養學證書課程\n建道神學院 - 青...Event MCNutritionist ServiceArt Therapy+ 9All KowloonOutsourcing,Running Errands,Proofreading & Translation,Volunteer Service,and others NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我是浸會大學創意及專業寫作系的畢業生(副修中文),曾於市場推廣公司任職文案寫手及編輯,為各公司撰寫中英文網站及廣告內容、社交平台貼文、疾病及藥物小冊子、影片文案、長文及部落格文章、電子郵件行銷內容,並進行編輯、校對、翻譯等工作。\n\n本人做事細心及盡責,為人友善,中、英文水平俱佳,亦可流利廣東話、英文及普通話進行溝通,精於撰寫中英文詩歌、短文、演講辭及書信等文體,可提供文案寫作及中英文翻譯服務。\n\nI am Julia from HKBU. My major field of study is Creative and Prossional Writing, with the minor of Chinese Language. I worked as a ...Chinese Essay EditingEnglish Essay EditingChinese Translation+ 14RemoteExercise & Fitness (7)Hired rate19An instructor who is passionate about yoga and has more than 6 years of teaching experience, he is also a qualified personal trainer. Since registering ...Yoga LessonYuen Long
3zRSO2oHS2w near Education
Primary School Tutoring in Lai King Primary School Tutoring in Tai Wo Hau Primary School Tutoring in Tsuen Wan Primary School Tutoring in Tin Shui Wai Primary School Tutoring in Yuen Long Primary School Tutoring in Sham Tseng Primary School Tutoring in Kwai Chung Primary School Tutoring in Kowloon Tong Primary School Tutoring in Yuen Long Town Centre Primary School Tutoring in Siu Lek Yuen Primary School Tutoring in Wu Kai Sha Primary School Tutoring in Tsing Yi
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