Domestic Helper Recruitment Directory

  • Perry
    Hair Regrowth Center
    Hired rate30
    I have been in the hair industry for 15 years, and now I only accept clients by appointment. I can provide haircuts, color, dyeing, negative ...
    Haircut Service
    Coloring, Perming and Straightening
    Prince Edward
  • Miss Carol Sin
    Keyboard Lessons
    Hired rate9
    [{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Carol 擁有英國聖三一學院演奏文憑(distinction)、英國皇家音學學院8級樂理和8級網琴證書。畢業於香港大學(主修心理)和瑞士知名禮儀學府瑞拉•皮瑞夫學院(Institute Villa Pierrefu),修讀香港中文大學音樂文學碩士。 "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Carol擁有多年教學經驗,曾跟隨多位著名鋼琴演奏家傅吉豪和指揮家羅偉綸等學習。現時仍不斷鑽研創新和更優秀的教學技巧,一直致力提升教學質。 "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"教學方面,Carol 著重培養學生興趣、修養、內涵和音樂造詣,並時刻追求...
    Piano Lessons
    Lai Chi Kok
    • Young student learning with flash cards
    • Correcting student's hand shape
    • Student having lesson at Kai Tak studio
  • Grand Strategy Computer 宏略電腦
    Transfer Quotations
    Hired rate187
    Please call/whatsapp 958***15 ken for enquiry and free quotation. Our shop was established in 2007 and now has 4 stores, located in Sham Shui Po, ...
    Mobile Carrier Switching
    Water Heater Repair
    Broadband Price Quotation
    Choi Hung
  • 弦天音樂|Drums & Strings Music
    Percussion Lessons
    Hired rate39
    🎶Drums & Strings Music 🎶 ➡️Provide one-stop music center such as music teaching, musical instrument trading and music performance The center has rich...
    Drum Lessons
    North Point
  • Whatsapp: 60939398
    Keyboard Lessons,Other Music Lessons
    Hired rate2
    If interested, please call directly for enquiries. I have obtained the piano performance diploma from the Royal College of Music for more than 10 years, ...
    Piano Lessons
    Music Theory Courses
  • PetTimes®寵物褓姆 Pet Care Service
    Pet Sitting
    Hired rate16
    🎖Senior experience of American PSI certified members | Good at nursing A variety of custody forms, various small animal boarding, professional veterinary assistant medical ...
    Pet Boarding
    Shau Kei Wan
  • 譚Sir
    Guitar Courses
    Hired rate62
    Electric guitar, wooden guitar, classical guitar lessons I have obtained: ROCK SCHOOL Grade 8 Guitar Royal Academy of Music Diploma in Classical Guitar Performance Grade ...
    Guitar Lessons
    Electric Guitar Lessons
    Tin Shui Wai
  • Spencer Lam
    Hired rate87
    [{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"你好,多謝你參考我們的服務。本人提供中小學英文及成人英文,不限地點,經驗豐富。\n\n本人為「思源教育」創辦人及首席英文科名師,於香港大學一級榮譽畢業,大學期間共獲11份獎學金,並曾赴英國愛丁堡大學留學。本人有7年補習經驗,歷年來學生遍及不同程度學校,包括各大名校以至國際學校,能按學生實際程度及需要調整課程。\n\n本人自備獨家精讀筆記,教授獨門技巧及口訣,教你高效溫生字、句型及考試技巧,派發大量詞彙及句型筆記,助你極速升grade摘星!另外還包括免費WhatsApp問功課、免費Speaking工作坊、模擬寫作訓練、免費親自批改作文、派發Ideas Bank 金點子、 爆point攻略、定期小測驗、個別跟進學生進度、派發新聞重點等等,全方位支援學生!\n\n本人學生遍及各大名校,包括鄧肇堅、男拔、協恩、真光、華仁、聖士提反書院、聖心、聖士提反女子中學等等,學生補林Sir後,成績皆有顯著進步!\n\n價錢:新生報讀本人「學博教育」英文課程可享免費試堂優惠!(私人或小組補習另議)\n\n如有興趣,歡迎致電648***90 或 WhatsApp 查詢***90&text=Hello"}]}]...
    General Tutoring (Primary School)
    English Tutoring
    Liberal Studies Tutoring
    + 1
  • MAX
    Boxing,Fitness Training
    Hired rate17
    To provide customers with professional fitness, slimming and muscle building services and guidance. He is also good at sports trauma and pain problems....
    Personal Training
    Boxing Classes
    + 1
    Wan Chai
  • Kenny
    Repairs & Maintenance
    Hired rate11
    Licensed electrical contractor and professional electrical works...
    Electrical Works
    Lighting Installation