Demolition Services Directory
Tutoring,Languages (5)Hired rate5Graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University majoring in international journalism, I specialize in copywriting, filming and video editing. From mainland China, speak Mandarin, Cantonese, English ...Mandarin CoursesEnglish TutoringChinese Tutoring+ 1RemoteIT & Development,Web NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本註冊公司多年來在全球上提供了 多種專業的創意設計服務、全方位數碼營銷服務 和 創新的科技發展服務。"}]}]...UX/UI DesignWeb DesignWebsite DevelopmentRemoteQuality Inspection (4)Hired rate8[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"你好,我們是亞設工程公司, 專為業主提供一手樓宇驗樓服務,師傅有香港驗樓師學會文憑和證書資格。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我們會檢查單位內的每一角落,細心且有條理地查驗單位各個狀況,及後會提供一份詳細報告給業主以供發展商執修之用。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"如對我們有任何問題,歡迎客戶向我們查詢,我們會盡快回應解答。"}]}]...Building Inspection ServicesRemotePsychology & Relaxation,Massage & Acupressure,Elderly Care (2)Hired rate3TQUK紮肚3級証書 TQUK產後護理Ofqual 3級文憑 City & Guilds IVQ Advanced Diploma in Teaching, Training & Assessing Learning ITEC Diploma in Laser and Intense Pulsed Light Treatment Level ...Breastfeeding GuidanceFacialPrenatal Massage+ 1RemoteDispute Resolution,Wedding Ceremonies,Event Planning,Psychology & Relaxation,and others (1)Hired rate4[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"學歷:\n美國 - Master of Science in Psychology \nTQUK Lv 6 - Diploma in Health Care and Nutritional Therapy\n應用心理學專業文憑\n特殊教育文憑\n英國 IFA 香薰治療師文憑\n營養科學及食品安全文憑\n應用營養學證書課程\n建道神學院 - 青...Event Hosting (MC)Nutritionist ServicesArt Therapy+ 5All KowloonDance Studio,Dancing,Fitness (1)Hired rate74✨Sano Dance Studio✨ 🏢Since 2006 ✅Kpop✅Jazz Funk✅Funky Dance✅Sexy Dance✅KFit 📍Wanchai, Taikoo and Kwun Tong, each covering an area of about 1,500 square ...Hip-Hop Dance ClassesK-Pop Dance ClassesJazz Funk+ 5Wan ChaiOutsourcing,Running Errands,Proofreading & Translation,Volunteer Service,and others NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我是浸會大學創意及專業寫作系的畢業生(副修中文),曾於市場推廣公司任職文案寫手及編輯,為各公司撰寫中英文網站及廣告內容、社交平台貼文、疾病及藥物小冊子、影片文案、長文及部落格文章、電子郵件行銷內容,並進行編輯、校對、翻譯等工作。\n\n本人做事細心及盡責,為人友善,中、英文水平俱佳,亦可流利廣東話、英文及普通話進行溝通,精於撰寫中英文詩歌、短文、演講辭及書信等文體,可提供文案寫作及中英文翻譯服務。\n\nI am Julia from HKBU. My major field of study is Creative and Prossional Writing, with the minor of Chinese Language. I worked as a ...Content MarketingData EntryTime Auction Volunteer RecruitmentRemoteQuality Inspection,Installation,Repairs & Maintenance,Engineering & Remodel (1)Hired rate4Buildings Department Registered Minor Works Contractor Professional Class II, III License MWC 199/2022 Provide one-stop door-to-door window inspection, repair aluminum windows, leak-proof engineering services, and ...Demolition ServicesEngineering CorporationCement Works+ 9Yuen LongKids and Toddlers,Outsourcing,Photography,Editing,and others (3)Hired rate6🎓Master of Public Policy and Management from City University of Hong Kong 🎓Minor in Psychology 🎓Bachelor of Applied Social Sciences (major in ...General Tutoring (Primary School)Chinese TutoringEnglish Tutoring+ 17RemoteFitness Training (7)Hired rate19An instructor who is passionate about yoga and has more than 6 years of teaching experience, he is also a qualified personal trainer. Since registering ...Yoga ClassesYuen Long
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