Demolition Or Restoration Service Directory
Exercise & Fitness (15)Hired rate29[{"type":"list","children":[{"type":"list-item","children":[{"text":"Percent位於觀塘市中心最熱鬧的開源道上,鄰近APM商場,由觀塘地鐵站B3出口步行約6分鐘左右到達。我們的大型健身器材堅持使用有聲譽的國際品牌,場地亦設有淋浴更衣間、梳妝空間與置物櫃可免費使用"}]},{"type":"list-item","children":[{"text":"瘦身行業有太多的迷思與誤導,健身行業也有太多的不良銷售手法,教練質素也越來越參差不齊。Percent秉持以科學為基礎,專業與態度為堅持,用心打造一個讓學員能放心訓練、達到成效的健身空間"}]},{"type":"list-item","children":[{"text":"Percent只聘用具資深經驗之專業全職教練,學生可指定女性或男性教練,亦確保一定可以在期望的時間約到上堂。我們希望打破健身房傳統上充滿陽剛的氛圍,以專業、細心與誠心,帶給學員一個高隱私度,貼心友善的高質感工作室型態健身室"}]},{"type":"list-item","children":[{"text":"瘦身不應該是短期的過度節食或一個無法持之以恆的運動計畫,而應該是一種認真照顧自己的終身生活態度,你/妳準備開始了嗎?"}]},{"type":"list-item","children":[{"text":"歡迎參考我們的官網:\n亦歡迎追蹤Instagram:percent_hk"}]}]}]...Personal TrainingKwun TongProofreading & Translation,Consulting Services (23)Hired rate577[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"專業翻譯 💯 保證滿意. \n\n我地既翻譯團隊全部都系三大翻譯系畢業 質素保證! 貼心服務 準時交貨! 不滿意可無條件退款😊👍"}]}]...German TranslationItalian TranslationSpanish Translation+ 9Tsim Sha TsuiPet Service (20)Hired rate25[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本人取得C級日式寵物美容証書,畢業於國際專業寵物美容學院,並且進修B級寵物美容証書課程。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"領有無須麻醉超聲波無痛清潔牙齒証書及寵物急救護理課証証書。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"以專業技術、耐性及愛心...Pet GroomingRemoteBall Games,Boxing,Exercise & Fitness (5)Hired rate6Hi, my name is Allen. I have been engaged in fitness coaching for 5 years, holding an American professional certificate, internationally recognized NASM CPT (personal ...Personal Training健身教練課程Stretching Lesson+ 4RemoteBall Games (30)Hired rate37Hello, my name is Kaka, nice to meet you! 🙋🏻♂️I have many years of experience in teaching adults and primary and secondary...Badminton LessonWong Tai SinExercise & Fitness (21)Hired rate76Alice is the first senior female trainer in Hong Kong to hold both fitness trainer and belly piercing licenses. She has more than 10 years ...Personal TrainingCrossfit LessonStretching Lesson+ 2RemoteNutrition (2)Hired rate51Origin Fitness & Martial Arts 是一所全新的運動和武術課程訓練中心。 我們擁有一些最直接、最有效的訓練系統。 我...Nutritionist ServiceSlimming TreatmentsYau Ma TeiVenue Rental (2)Hired rate51Origin Fitness & Martial Arts 是一所全新的運動和武術課程訓練中心。 我們擁有一些最直接、最有效的訓練系統。 我...Event Venue RentalStudio RentalYau Ma TeiHome Repair & Installation (61)Hired rate224Basic electrical installation with a license issued by the Electrical and Mechanical Agency...Shower Head ReplacementHome Appliance Installation and RepairHome Plumbing+ 3RemoteHair & Makeup,On Wedding Day,Makeup & Hairstyling,Wedding Photography & Videography,and others (17)Hired rate48Professional makeup artist will help you design the most suitable hairstyle and makeup for you to attend different occasions, I am good at applying eye ...Wedding Hair and MakeupWedding Registry PhotographyWedding Banquet Photography+ 5Tsim Sha Tsui
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