Outsourcing,Accounting & Taxes,Professional Skills,Proofreading & Translation,及其他 NEW獲聘次數0The ultimate solution for entrepreneurs and individuals on job application and e-commerce business. Graduated from the Department of Law of the University of Hong Kong, ...Academic TutoringChinese TutoringEnglish Tutoring+ 42不限服務地區Kids and Toddlers,Martial Arts NEW獲聘次數0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"您好,我是黃Sir!我是您的空手道導師。我擁有超過15年的空手道經驗,並榮獲黑帶三段的資格。除了在自己的道場中擔任導師和協助教學多年外,我還曾在英國留學期間指導當地大學的學生選手,並與他們一同參加當地的賽事。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"作為一位導師,我曾在(沙田)聖公會曾肇添中學任教, 現時亦於(大埔)香港道教聯合會雲泉吳禮和紀念學校任教。我相信每個學生都擁有獨特的潛力和天賦。我致力於創造一個友善、安全且鼓勵的學習環境,以幫助學生們發展技巧、提升自信心,並養成紀律和道德價值觀。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我將結合我的豐富經驗和知識,根據每位學生的需求和能力制定個別化的訓練計劃。我將教授正確的基本動作、拳法、踢法和套路,並提供持續的反饋和指導,以幫助學生們不斷進步。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我非常期待與您一同踏上這段令人興奮的空手道之旅!如果您對我的教學課程感興趣,請隨時與我聯繫。我將非常樂意回答您的問題並提供更多詳細信息。"}]}]...Karate LessonKids ClassesSau Mau PingWorkspace & Equipments,Quality Inspection,Office Repair & Installation,Home Repair & Installation NEW獲聘次數0I am [name], I have [x] years of [service] experience, I have assisted [x] customers to solve their problems, and I have gained the trust ...Home PlumbingElectricity Engineering ServiceWater Leak Detection+ 3不限服務地區Wedding Service,Gift Services,Wedding Service NEW獲聘次數0Our Huazhuanghui is different from other flower shops. It combines Chinese and Western cultures and multi-element matching. It is carefully designed and unique. It is ...Wedding Bouquet DesignGeneral Flower ArrangementFlower DeliveryTuen MunHousehold Service,Treatment & Recovery NEW獲聘次數1EDEN HOME is a comprehensive home care service. In addition to providing professional home care services, it also provides "foreign domestic helper care services"; it ...Physiotherapy ServiceDomestic Helper AgencyHome Cleaning不限服務地區Water Sports NEW獲聘次數0Hello everyone, I am Stella, a professional female swimming coach with 8 years of teaching experience and a diploma in early childhood education. Caring, patient, ...Swimming Lesson不限服務地區Pet Sitting,Pet Service NEW獲聘次數0Hello, Chong Chong Zi Yuan Bao Treasure.petvilla Provide cat accommodation services -Located in the Western District -Family run to ensure cats get the most intimate ...Pet Sitting and BoardingPet HotelKennedy TownDancing NEW獲聘次數0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"积极、热情、充满活力的儿童教育研究毕业生。凭借热情和以兴趣为基础的理念,我已做好充分准备为儿童的发展奉献自己的责任。我致力于利用我的相关知识使我能够进一步成长,同时为学校的教育目标做出贡献。我也有强烈的动力通过学习和实践不断加强自己的教学专业知识,旨在从小培养孩子们,作为我履行社区责任的一部分。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我的教学理念基于这样的理念:学生的思想不仅仅是一个空盒子,让老师来填充东西。每个学生都可以发挥自己与生俱来的天赋,为课堂做出贡献,供老师和学生学习。在帮助学生顺利融入学校的同时,我也会重点挖掘学生的优点和缺点,帮助他们进一步发展能力、改善缺点,包括道德和行为。"}]}]...Belly Dance LessonChinese Dance LessonFunky Dance Lesson+ 13不限服務地區Exercise & Fitness NEW獲聘次數0Can help you shape your figure, tailor-made for you withEuropean international certificate...Personal TrainingCrossfit Lesson健身教練課程+ 4不限服務地區Transport,Workspace & Equipments,Storage & Moving,Home Repair & Installation NEW獲聘次數0Jingnan Transportation Company provides operation services < Warehouse management - pick-up ✔ inventory ✔ delivery ✔ one-stop service ✔ > Transportation, moving house, moving office ...Furniture Disposal搬魚缸Construction waste+ 9Tsuen Wan
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