Cheung Sha Wan Directory
Tutoring NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"Hi, I am Igor Gal. I have 15 years of experience in English teaching and have proudly served over hundreds of clients in different sectors ...English TutoringRemoteTreatment & Recovery NEWHired rate0Hello everyone! You can call me Mrs. Fang, a native Hong Konger. She became a confinement aunt in 2015 and has taken care of more ...Postnatal CareRemoteTransport NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"一键跨越维港两岸,解锁深港出行新姿势"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"厌倦了在口岸拖着行李,经历漫长排队与换乘?现在,有更丝滑的选择!我们的香港跨境车服务,打破深港出行的边界,让你一键开启双城自由穿梭之旅。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"🚗车型丰富任你选:从宽敞舒适的七座商务车,到豪华大气的定制专车,每一款车都配备柔软座椅、宽敞腿部空间,确保你的旅途舒适惬意。车内还提供免费WiFi、充电接口,让你时刻保持在线,旅途不再无聊。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"🛂一站式通关服务:我们的司机熟悉深港口岸流程,提前帮你规划最优通关时间,减少排队等待。部分车型还支持“一站式”通关,无需下车即可完成查验,真正实现无缝对接。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"📞便捷预订:只需一个电话或在手机上轻松下单,告知我们你的出发地、目的地和出行时间,剩下的交给我们。我们提供24小时客服,随时解答你的疑问,调整行程。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"无论你是商务出行,还是旅游购物,我们的香港跨境车都是你的不二之选。告别繁琐,拥抱高效,让我们一起轻松跨越深港,享受每一段旅程!"}]}]...Hong Kong Cross Border TransfersLimousine ServiceNanny VanRemoteWedding Photos & Videos (5)Hired rate5Welcome to contact 931***11 💁🏼Female photographer•Glossy makeup•Beautiful and natural hairstyle blended in the most beautiful light and shadow There is a female photographer ...Wedding Registry PhotographyPre-Wedding PhotographyAdmiraltyMakeup & Hairstyling (5)Hired rate5專業新娘化妝髮型師 擁有超過十多年型像設計經驗 曾參與電視廣告,時裝表演,歌劇,廣告和模特兒拍攝等等...Event Hair and MakeupAdmiraltyPet Service NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"資深訓犬教練美國完成訓練犬隻課程,及後再於美國深造,完訓犬員教練課程。回港後於多個保安機構擔任教練,處理過百隻工作犬行為問題及培訓專業領犬員。業餘時間,以寄養家庭形式方式培訓出合乎國際資格的導盲犬。鼓勵正向訓練,不打不罵不威嚇,令行為毛孩蛻變成充滿自信的開心狗狗。"}]}]...Pet TrainingPet Sitting and BoardingRemotePet Service,Pet Sitting NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Hi, I am Terry. I have 2 years of experience in dog walking and have proudly served over 3 clients so far and it's growing. ...Pet Sitting and BoardingKennedy TownTreatment & Recovery NEWHired rate0My name is Ivy, I am from Taiwan, I have lived in Hong Kong for over 30 years, and speak fluent Cantonese and Mandarin. I ...Postnatal CareRemoteOffice Repair & Installation,Home Repair & Installation,Small Renovation NEWHired rate0Professional dismantling and restoration👍🏻 To undertake various home shop decoration, water and electricity installation and maintenance, ventilation system engineering, external wall maintenance, plumbing and drainage ...Demolition or Restoration ServiceLeak Repair & Waterproofing ServiceFurniture ServiceRemotePersonal Affairs NEWHired rate0Hello, we are [company name], established in [year], our main business/services include [list business]. Our company [list service features], [example: full private follow-up], [example: one-on-one ...Personal Image ConsultantTsim Sha Tsui
Service near Cheung Sha Wan
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