Cheung Sha Wan Directory
Dancing NEWHired rate4Ricky Wong 🕺🏻 He has taught at Dance Union@ Sunny Wong with more than 1000 students for 7️⃣ years, students from 5 years old👍🏻...Hip Hop LessonJazz Dance LessonJazz Funk Dance Lesson+ 1Kwun TongOutsourcing,Lifestyle Photograhy,Editing,Audio & Visual Production,and others NEWHired rate0The production team of Fat Fish Movies spans the front, middle and late stages. It is a comprehensive one-stop PRODUCTION HOUSE, We are committed to ...VideographyCorporate Video ProjectDocumentary Project+ 12To Kwa WanAthletics NEWHired rate01. American first-level track and field coach 2. Physical Fitness Foundation Certificate of Hong Kong Physical Fitness Association 3. Bachelor of Science in Sports Coaching ...Running Training LessonRemoteWedding Performance NEWHired rate0My name is Tommy, a magician. I have 6 years of experience in acting, and I have served more than 100 customers and are well ...Magic PerformanceRemoteLifestyle Service NEWHired rate0Hello, I am a certified instructor with a few years of experience in teaching a variety of baking / cookery classes. I am specialising in ...Cooking LessonAll Hong KongDancing NEWHired rate0💃🏻Elsie Chan丨2015 • 舞齡7年 ⭕擅長Kpop,jazz funk👯 👩🏫有一對一或小班教學選擇👍🏻 🎥曾私人小班教...Jazz Funk Dance LessonK-Pop Dance Lesson兒童舞蹈+ 1RemotePersonal Affairs NEWHired rate2[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"殯儀服務簡介","bold":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"在生命的最後一程,我們理解每一位客戶的心情及其背後的故事。作為專業的殯儀服務提供者,我們致力於以最具尊嚴和優雅的方式,幫助您及您的家人度過這段艱難的時光。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我們的使命","bold":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我們的使命是為每位逝者提供個性化的殯儀服務,並為家屬提供全方位的支持與幫助。我們相信,每一場告別儀式都是一個獨特的送別,應該被精心策劃,以尊重逝者的生命和他們留下的美好回憶。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"服務內容","bold":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"個性化殯儀策劃:根據逝者及其家庭的需求,提供多樣化的殯儀選擇,包括傳統儀式、宗教儀式和創意儀式等。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"遺言寄存服務:我們提供創新的遺言寄存服務,讓您可以透過WhatsApp安全地留下您的遺言(包括語音訊息、照片和影片)。這些遺言將在您逝世後,按照您的指示,由特定的家屬或伴侶提取並流傳於生者,讓您的聲音和回憶永續於他們心中。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我們的承諾","bold":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我們的團隊由經驗豐富的專業人士組成,始終以同情心和尊重的態度對待每一位客戶。我們提供24小時的服務,隨時準備傾聽和協助,以滿足您的需求。"}]}]...Funeral servicesHung HomLifestyle Service NEWHired rate0💫Twiggy coffee & tea co💫 ☕Coffee and exclusive tea supply ☕Coffee shop practice and operation ☕F&B shop consultant and customized menu service �...Coffee ClassKwun TongOutsourcing,Lifestyle Photograhy,Editing,Audio Visual Lessons,and others NEWHired rate0Video creator, video editor, video photographer, aerial photographer Twenty years of TV work experience, shooting and post-editing. LessonFilm Production CourseVideography+ 27RemoteLifestyle Photograhy,Editing,Wedding Photos & Videos,Wedding Photography & Videography,and others NEWHired rate0📷Kong Production | Suzanne Leung🌟 回憶是美好的,但人總是沒辦法好好記住,所以需要相片。 我們把回憶留住,讓大家...Wedding Registry PhotographyPre-Wedding PhotographyWedding Banquet Photography+ 23Remote
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