Pet Grooming in Chai Wan
Lifestyle Photograhy,Wedding Photography & Videography,Commercial,Wedding Photos & Videos NEWHired rate0My name is Kanneth Wong. I have 5 years of photography experience and have gained the trust of many clients. In addition to photo studio ...Pre-Wedding PhotographyWedding Banquet PhotographyWedding Registry Photography+ 15Sheung ShuiFacial and Body Treatment NEWHired rate0MAMA JAMU's new store opens. Belly bandaging treatment is divided into 10 days / 15 days. The course of treatment is 5 days in a ...Belly BindRemoteExercise & Fitness NEWHired rate1[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我的名字是Harry,本身是位藝術策展人和教育工作者,2021年起練習瑜珈,從中發現了療癒的力量,並透過持續的自我探索,對意識有更深刻的理解。我在2023年跟隨Dileep Puliyolly完成瑜伽教師培訓(300 hours),學習了正宗古印度的瑜珈知識,包括瑜珈治療(包括伸展)、呼吸法、冥想、解剖學等。我的瑜伽課程強調身體與呼吸的整合和對齊,按學生能力設計不同的組列,鼓勵學生通過培養自我意識認識內在的自我。"}]}]...Yoga LessonRemoteBoxing NEWHired rate0I'm Marco, been a muaythai trainer 👟for 6 years. 🥊Muaythai/ kickboxing/boxing training for all ages. Each session includes pad work🏋🏽, sparring and conditioning ...Kickboxing LessonThai Boxing LessonBoxing LessonKwai ChungPercussion Lessons,Other Music Lessons NEWHired rate1Drum Tutor︱Sir Fu 🥁Professing drum music for 10 years and rich performance experience 📄In 2010, he passed the Hong Kong Rockschool Pop Drum ...Drum LessonJazz Drum LessonCajon Lesson+ 2To Kwa WanExercise & Fitness NEWHired rate0I have been in the fitness coaching industry for more than 10 years. I specially set up personal training classes for each customer to increase ...Personal Training健身教練課程RemoteExercise & Fitness NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"我是Essence,擁有2年的私人健身教練經驗,不論性別,協助以增肌或減脂的學生達到目標,無論是body weight 或是 weightlifting都具豐富的知識。提供飲食建議以更有效達到現想身型,以健康塑型為前提進行增肌修身。\n\n除了門市服務外,我也提供上門服務,日子時間彈性配合。\n\n如有任何問題,歡迎客戶向我查詢,我十分樂意為你解答。 ︿_︿"}]}]...Female Personal TrainerPersonal TrainingStretching LessonJordanGraphics NEWHired rate0I am [NAME], I have [x] years of [service] experience, I have assisted [x] clients with their problems and gained the trust of many clients. ...Graphic DesignRemoteExercise & Fitness NEWHired rate1Hello, glad to be able to serve you. I have two years of experience as a fitness trainer and also a bodybuilder. We are committed ...健身教練課程Personal TrainingAll Hong KongTreatment & Recovery NEWHired rate2[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Liz是註冊藝術(表達藝術)治療師,已修習靜觀13年。Liz擅長結合表達藝術及正念靜觀於心理治療服務中。2022年獲社創基金資助《手牽手。藝童遊》項目,為自閉症及低收入家庭學生提供到校表達藝術治療服務。2020-2022年協助東華學院研究兒童靜觀認知療法於兒童手機成癮的治療成效;2023年加入研究團隊成為共同研究者。服務對象包括:兒童及青少年、親子、焦慮、抑鬱、自閉症、專注力不足或過度活躍症、弱智兒童及成人、照顧者、及老人。"}]}]...Art TherapySan Po Kong
Pet Grooming near Chai Wan
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