Business Services Directory

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  • BISOU photography
    Lifestyle Photograhy,Editing,Wedding Photography & Videography,Commercial,and others
    Hired rate17
    📷 Photographer 📷 Photographer James has a wealth of photography experience. In 2020, 2016 and 2015, he won the PX3 ( award, the largest ...
    Wedding Registry Photography
    Wedding Banquet Photography
    Wedding Photography
    + 16
    • 想保留至愛的珍貴回憶?時間不等人,讓我們為你留住動人一刻
Signal/ Line/ WhatsApp +852 91961125
    • 想保留至愛的珍貴回憶?時間不等人,讓我們為你留住動人一刻
Signal/ Line/ WhatsApp +852 91961125
    • 想保留至愛的珍貴回憶?時間不等人,讓我們為你留住動人一刻
Signal/ Line/ WhatsApp +852 91961125
    • 想保留寵物可愛的樣子?還有你和寵物一起的開心情景?時間不等人,讓我們為你留住動人一刻。攝影師榮獲香港最佳寵物攝影師(Localiiz) 及三年歐洲最大規模攝影比賽獎項,擅長捕捉寵物可愛的神態及和主人充滿情感的一面
Signal/ Line/ WhatsApp +852 91961125
  • Sarah Ho
    Kids and Toddlers,Vocal Lessons,Entertainment Performance
    Hired rate11
    [{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"【聲帶調音師】Miss Ho 是一位歌唱導師,專業為 5至55歲 熱愛歌唱的小朋友,青少年或成人提供聲樂訓練, 讓他們短時間內可以...
    Singing Lesson
    Christian Music Lesson
    Magic Lesson
    Sau Mau Ping
    • 學生 Winky 隨 Miss Ho 學唱歌1年, 即獲得多個唱歌比賽獎項, 及考獲 Rockschool Vocal Grade 2 - Merit
    • 印度學生上網課1年半, 考獲 Rockschool 4級, 及多個唱歌比賽獎頂。
  • Spencer Lam
    Exam Preparation,Overseas Studies,Language Lessons
    Hired rate87
    [{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"你好,多謝你參考我們的服務。本人提供中小學英文及成人英文,不限地點,經驗豐富。\n\n本人為「思源教育」創辦人及首席英文科名師,於香港大學一級榮譽畢業,大學期間共獲11份獎學金,並曾赴英國愛丁堡大學留學。本人有7年補習經驗,歷年來學生遍及不同程度學校,包括各大名校以至國際學校,能按學生實際程度及需要調整課程。\n\n本人自備獨家精讀筆記,教授獨門技巧及口訣,教你高效溫生字、句型及考試技巧,派發大量詞彙及句型筆記,助你極速升grade摘星!另外還包括免費WhatsApp問功課、免費Speaking工作坊、模擬寫作訓練、免費親自批改作文、派發Ideas Bank 金點子、 爆point攻略、定期小測驗、個別跟進學生進度、派發新聞重點等等,全方位支援學生!\n\n本人學生遍及各大名校,包括鄧肇堅、男拔、協恩、真光、華仁、聖士提反書院、聖心、聖士提反女子中學等等,學生補林Sir後,成績皆有顯著進步!\n\n價錢:新生報讀本人「學博教育」英文課程可享免費試堂優惠!(私人或小組補習另議)\n\n如有興趣,歡迎致電648***90 或 WhatsApp 查詢***90&text=Hello"}]}]...
    English Language Lesson for Adults
    TOEFL Tutoring
    A-Level Tutoring
    + 10
    • 獲《經濟一週》專訪
    • Spencer Lam 英文課程內容簡介
    • 【睇新聞・學英文】武漢肺炎
    • 【DSE英文】5**句子結構!
  • Wlbieltd
    Design & Renovation
    Hired rate115
    Restaurant Interior Design & Renovation
    Partial Renovation
    + 7
    Martial Arts
    Hired rate51
    Origin Fitness & Martial Arts 是一所全新的運動和武術課程訓練中心。 我們擁有一些最直接、最有效的訓練系統。 我...
    Women's Self Defense Lesson
    Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Lesson
    Yau Ma Tei
  • 孔老師 @ 利美畫苑
    Arts & Culture,Workshop
    Hired rate98
    Teacher Kong@李美画园- Chinese Calligraphy Class✨Orthodox guide: majoring in painting ✨Painting class instructor in many middle schools and studios in Hong Kong✨Time flexibility: special evening classes...
    Chinese Calligraphy Lesson
    Painting Lesson
    Pottery Workshop
    Wan Chai
  • Anthony Wong
    Venue Rental,Other Music Lessons,Guitar Courses
    Hired rate38
    畢業於香港中文大學,現為全職樂手/ 結他導師;超過10年演出及教學經驗,工作範圍包括婚宴/活動演出、教學和錄音等;曾為歌手錄製歌曲結他部分,如許廷鏗、潘宇謙等。 Anthony曾贏得Hong Kong Asia Pacific Youth Band Sound Competition的樂隊總冠軍及最佳結他手獎項,亦於2022年贏得柏斯琴行Hero Guitar Competition亞軍。2020年他開設了個人Youtube音樂教學頻道分享結他彈奏、樂理和編曲等心得。 Anthony已考獲Trinity Rockschool...
    Acoustic Guitar Lesson
    Electric Guitar Lesson
    Ukulele Lesson
    + 4
    Tsuen Wan
  • 波叔
    Pet Sitting
    Hired rate18
    A professional slave provides care services for the parents of fur babies. Fan workers are too busy to let the dogs and cats feed... I ...
    Pet Sitting and Boarding
    Tsuen Wan
  • BraveWork _敢做訂制
    Wind Instrument Lessons,Running Errands,Design & Customization,Volunteer Service
    Hired rate3264
    2019 prices T-shirts: starting at 30 pieces, each price is 75 yuan, one single color printing on the front and the back, and 4-5 yuan ...
    Recruit Volunteer
    Time Auction Volunteer Recruitment
    + 23
  • 理想家居服務
    Nursing and Care Services
    Hired rate119
    The company provides post-decoration cleaning, house cleaning, pest control (specialized bed bug/termite control), formaldehyde removal, office cleaning, carpet washing, fabric sofa cleaning, water pipe washing, ...
    Marble Flooring Cleaning
    Wood Flooring Cleaning
    Kwun Tong