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Facial Centre (2)Hired rate0In 2011, cm square successfully pushed the local professional men's weight loss service into a new era. We focus on men's weight loss and beauty, ...HydratingBody SlimmingMedical Cosmetology TreatmentCauseway BayExam Preparation,Tutoring (3)Hired rate3Math and Econ tutoring, excellent exam techniques and materials provided. Specialized in IB, SAT, AP, IGCSE exams....SAT TutoringAcademic TutoringMath Tutoring+ 6Mong KokGadgets NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"專營各種PC電腦組裝、上門裝機"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"曾在香港有名電腦公司工作"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"有豐富電腦組裝經驗,熱愛此工作"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"可承包買硬件、運輸"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"歡迎查詢報價✅"}]}]...Computer Repair and SupportRemoteTreatment & Recovery NEWHired rate76You can call me Eva😊 I love children very much, and I am so happy that I can do my favorite job and take care ...Postnatal CareRemoteExercise & Fitness (11)Hired rate11We believe in the power of yoga to help people lead happier, healthier and more balanced lives. With a community of dedicated and passionate teachers ...Yoga LessonCentralFacial Centre (2)Hired rate0Since 2002, the business has been developed in Hong Kong. MediYouth Medical Beauty Center has expanded its business with a positive and professional service attitude. ...HydratingBody SlimmingMedical Cosmetology TreatmentCauseway BayTutoring NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"你好,我是Sherry Lam,畢業於香港城市大學,主修創意媒體,擁有5年的教學經驗。富耐性和經驗,態度認真負責,熟悉香港中小學及國際學校課程內容。\n\n本人擅長替學生補底/清concept/拔尖/精益求精,會針對各卷做法及技巧,準備額外補充練習及提供自製筆記。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"主攻:小學全科、小學數學、初中英文、初中數學、高中數學、M1、M2\n\n教導的學生分別來至地區學校、傳統名校及國際學校,能因應學生程度選擇合適教材,為學生打好根基;針對學生於課堂上不明白的地方,用簡單的方法教導,使他們能夠更容易理解。大部份學生在補習後也有明顯成績的提升。\n\n提供whatsapp問功課服務。\n\n過往補習學生背景:"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"堅尼地小學、嘉諾撒書院、嘉諾撒聖瑪利學校、諾撒聖瑪利書院\n\n\n"}]}]...Academic TutoringCalculus TutoringMath Tutoring+ 2RemoteGadgets NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"g阿道夫燃烧广泛士大夫敢死队公司是大股东广东富豪的获得丰厚恢复鬼画符g阿道夫燃烧广泛士大夫敢死队公司是大股东广东富豪的获得丰厚恢复鬼画符g阿道夫燃烧广泛士大夫敢死队公司是大股东广东富豪的获得丰厚恢复鬼画符"}]}]...Computer Repair and SupportLaptop RepairRemoteFacial Centre NEWHired rate0HydratingBody SlimmingQuarry BayWeb,Graphics,App NEWHired rate0Go beyond your imagination by taking one giant forward leap with us, We are your neighbourhood 24/7 business technology convenience superstore store here to support ...App DesignApp DevelopmentUI Design+ 27Kowloon Bay
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