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Tutoring NEWHired rate0✨I am a 2021 DSE graduate 🎓 ✨Graduated from a prestigious school in Wong Tai Sin area ✨Now studying in the Department of ...Biology TutoringChemistry TutoringAcademic Tutoring+ 1RemoteTutoring NEWHired rate0British Returning English Tutor - English Language Tutor 🎓British University of Birmingham majoring in Aviation Management First-hon graduated from primary school to UK boarding ...English TutoringEnglish Literature TutoringPrimary School Tutoring+ 1RemoteElective Subjects Tutoring NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"【About Me】","font":"headline3"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"✨2022DSE女考生,畢業於觀塘區band1英文中學","font":"body1"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"✨2022DSE成績:best5 29(中文5* eng 5 math 5* 通識5** chem 5)","font":"body1"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"font":"body1","text":"✨現就讀理工大學職業治療"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"✨目前有為中小學生補以及SEN學生補習,有補習經驗","font":"body1"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"✨曾幫同學補習,針對他們常犯錯誤,讓他們平均提升1-2 個級別","font":"body1"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"✨可提供大量by topic / mock練習","font":"body1"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"✨高中可補 history / mathematics(eng) / english / chemistry補底","font":"body1"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"✨可以24小時免費問書","font":"body1"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]}]...Chemistry TutoringHistory TutoringRemoteTutoring NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"本人畢業於樹仁大學英文系學士學位,副修新聞及傳理,現為全職導師及補習社兼職導師。具有七年以上補習經驗,主要為幼稚園、中小學生補習,幼稚園、小學可補全科;中學主補英文科。過往有外藉學生能於一個月內中英由0分考至滿分。"}]}]...Academic TutoringChinese TutoringEnglish Tutoring+ 2RemoteTutoring NEWHired rate0Hello, my name is Dominic. I have been tutoring Chinese, English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology for middle and primary school students in prestigious schools ...Primary School TutoringPhysics TutoringMath Tutoring+ 9Tiu Keng LengTransport NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Seamless HK and China Cross-Border Cars"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Service Characteristics:"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Our passenger transportation service is characterized by a blend of reliability, efficiency, and customer-centricity. Whether you're a business traveler, ...Hong Kong Cross Border TransfersSheung WanPersonal Finance NEWHired rate0We can help customers make safe wire transfers from the mainland to Hong Kong. Ensure that the wire transfer is delivered to the customer within ...Money TransferQuarry BayLanguage Lessons (4)Hired rate6.就讀於 香港大學牙醫學系二年級 .畢業於 聖馬可中學 Band 1 英文中學 .於2015文憑試考獲 生物5** (Top 1.9%) 化...English Language Lesson for AdultsEnglish Language Lesson for KidsKennedy TownFitness,Yoga,Treatment & Recovery,Exercise & Fitness NEWHired rate0😺😺😺😺😺 🧜🏻♀️️Introduction of Yoga Teacher and Song Pang Healer: I have been in the financial industry for...Music Therapy LessonPilates LessonStretching Lesson+ 3Tsim Sha TsuiTutoring NEWHired rate0I’ve just graduated from King George V School with a grade of 43/45 in the IB Diploma🎓 I am currently a year 1 Biomedical Sciences🧬 ...Chinese TutoringChemistry TutoringEnglish Tutoring+ 2Remote
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Party Room in Siu Sai Wan Party Room in Heng Fa Chuen Party Room in North Point Party Room in Yuen Long Town Centre Party Room in Chai Wan Party Room in Quarry Bay Party Room in Wan Chai Party Room in Tuen Mun Party Room in Sai Wan Ho Party Room in Shau Kei Wan Party Room in Fortress Hill Party Room in Tai Koo
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