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String Instrument Lessons NEWHired rate2Cello Teacher Cello Teacher, Fiddle Sir I have studied under the tutelage of Mr. Zhang Minghui, the cello teacher of the Hong Kong Music Office, ...Cello LessonYau Ma TeiPerformers & Artists (1)Hired rate39想要一個溫馨又難忘的婚禮或宴會,Live Band或專業歌手表演又怎可缺少呢? 無論想要Jazz Band,Live Band或明星樂隊, 本公司都可以幫到你。 live band 演奏 Jazz ...Music PerformanceSinging PerformanceMusic PerformanceNorth PointWorkspace & Equipments,Home Repair & Installation,Small Renovation (5)Hired rate6[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"匠人の萬事屋🛠️"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"專業上門安裝各種不同類型傢俬"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"或清拆 維修 運輸都可以"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"亦可集運任何大型傢俬送貨上門一條龍服務"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"歡迎提供傢俬圖查詢報價"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"聯絡方法"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"📱WhatsApp 958***41"}]}]...淘寶傢俬安裝Furniture Disposal菜鳥傢俬安裝+ 1RemoteTutoring NEWHired rate01-to-1 teaching of CESGA Chicken Essence Class to increase chances of passing! What if you have applied for the exam but are not interested in ...Academic TutoringRemoteKeyboard Lessons NEWHired rate0I have been teaching piano for over 6 years. I teach kids from age 5 to teenagers. I teach them go for piano exam and ...Piano LessonKennedy TownWorkspace & Equipments,Storage & Moving (5)Hired rate12Fast and reliable Our service is customer first and listens to customer needs. Arranged comprehensively with secure service. Free packaging is appropriate, allowing customers to ...Furniture DisposalRelocation搬雪櫃+ 3RemoteLifestyle Photograhy (5)Hired rate5Personal photography work for 10 years, specializing in event photography, modeling and ceremony photography. Customers include schools, private institutions and governments, etc. The charges are ...Family PhotographyEvent PhotographyArt Photography+ 3Sha TinWeb,On Wedding Day,Event Planning,Graphics,and others (2)Hired rate3WHO WE ARE DSIGN provides professional brand planning and execution for mainland customers to explore and expand in overseas markets. With plentiful cases experience and ...Event MCAdvertising Sticker ProductionOutdoor Advertising Production+ 44Causeway BayWind Instrument Lessons NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"李氏生於香港,由七歲開始學習薩克管,師隨張立先生、候嘉行小姐、梁國章先生以及王逸懷先生。畢業於香港浸會大學音樂系,主修薩克管,一級榮譽畢業。並跟隨黄德釗博士研修 ,今年將於香港教育大學音樂教育文學碩士畢業。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"李氏是一位具有豐富樂團及演出經驗的樂手。在小學期間已從不同比賽中屢獲佳績,例如香港校際音樂節、歐洲易不河谷音樂節等等,勝出過多個大,小型比賽…同時亦擔任不同歌手演唱會的色士風樂手,例如林家謙,Serrini…等。同時亦受邀為不同大小的團體作演奏,例如: 宏利保險,太古廣場,AIA."}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"她在十四歲開始加入香港青年色士風樂團作其樂手,其後並跟隨香港色士風樂團到新加坡作演出及到泰國比賽,奪得冠軍。同時亦參與香港國際薩克斯管工作坊,跟隨謝德驥博士,Philip Geiss, Vincent David, Steven Page…學習薩克管技巧。今年李氏亦成為香港青年色士風樂團初團指揮以及香港青年色士風學院的專業導師一職。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"亦於2023年到亞太薩克斯風研習營受各大國際知名演奏家指導: "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"list","children":[{"type":"list-item","children":[{"text":"XAVIER ...Saxophone LessonRemoteOutsourcing,Accounting & Taxes,Proofreading & Translation,Legal Service (5)Hired rate6•Professional business consultant in Hong Kong •I am a member of the legal profession, graduated from a foreign law doctor, and have more than ...Employment LawGeneral LitigationCorporate and Commercial Advisory Work+ 23Central
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