All Hong Kong Directory
bars (1)Hired rate0 BarCentralHair Salon (2)Hired rate0Provide haircuts and other servicesHaircutHair ColoringHair Perm (Straight / Curly)North PointFacial and Body Treatment NEWHired rate0This shop uses high-quality professional skin care brands and beauty equipment, and professional therapists serve attentively, not hard sell Make sure your guests are happy ...Body Care TreatmentFacialTin HauDeep Cleaning,Office Repair & Installation,Home Repair & Installation,Small Renovation,and others NEWHired rate0[{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"歡迎來到黃鶯設計有限公司。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"在黃鶯,我們專門提供卓越的家具和設計服務,以滿足客戶的獨特需求。我們對創造力的熱情和對細節的關注使我們能夠將空間改造成能夠反映每個客戶個性的令人驚嘆的環境。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"我們擁有一支經驗豐富的設計師團隊,提供全面的解決方案,從室內設計諮詢到選擇和實施既能增強功能性又能增強美觀性的家具。我們的使命是創造美麗、宜居、激發靈感和活力的空間,確保我們承擔的每個項目都真實反映客戶的願景。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","content":[{"type":"text","text":"與黃鶯一起探索設計的變革力量—讓您的夢想空間變為現實。"}]},{"type":"paragraph"},{"type":"paragraph"}]...Furniture Service天花工程Demolition or Restoration Service+ 11Kwai ChungHair Salon (2)Hired rate0Provide haircuts and other servicesHaircutHair ColoringHair Perm (Straight / Curly)North PointTutoring,Keyboard Lessons,Other Music Lessons,Instrument Care,and others NEWHired rate0hiEconomics TutoringEnglish TutoringChinese Tutoring+ 18Tseung Kwan OTutoring NEWHired rate0I have many years of tutoring experience. .Math TutoringAcademic TutoringEnglish TutoringKowloon CityNursing and Care Services,Treatment & Recovery,Dating & Relationship NEWHired rate0I am Echo Chen Tao, a psychological counselor. I have 12 years of experience in mental health services, and I have served more than 3,000 ...PsychotherapyPostnatal CareRelationship Counselling+ 2RemoteOther Pets Services,Pet Sitting NEWHired rate2Hello, I have seven cats for model. They are British Short Hair, Exotic Short Hair, and Maine Coon. 你好,我有7隻貓貓可以做model啊😺 佢地分別係英國...Pet Sitting and BoardingPet ModelCake for PetsRemoteDesign & Renovation NEWHired rate0我們是一所初創的室內設計公司。已開業三年。由一位對室內設計非常有熱誠的年輕人Blair創立。Blair有5年商業,住宅室內設計的經驗,而另一位partner Carey 則有超過10年工程監督和室內設計經驗。由設計到工程監督也得心應手。而且我們更會根據客戶需求,結合科技元素,幫各大客戶打造真正的智能家居或智慧型辦公室。 We ...Office Interior Design & RenovationShop RenovationRestaurant Interior Design & Renovation+ 4To Kwa Wan
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