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Indoor Activity (2)Hired rate0Climbing is an innate skill! JUST CLIMB is committed to cultivating a new generation of young people, making rock climbing a lifelong interest and the ...Sport ClimbingChai Wanbars (3)Hired rate0 為你奉上最好的串燒與清酒,和提供舒適的環境以提供三五知己閒談相聚,一起’Bilibala’。 HouseOutdoor BarCauseway BayHair Salon (2)Hired rate0Hair salon in Palace Building, North PointHaircutHair ColoringHair Perm (Straight / Curly)North PointTutoring NEWHired rate0“Making progress through happy learning” Living through our busy lives in Hong Kong, we tend to fill our children’s schedule with endless activities due to...English TutoringWan ChaiIndoor Activity (1)Hired rate0玩也能認識世界,只要玩得有道理,玩得有味道……總之唔係齋玩咁簡單。 PlaygroundTrampolineBall PoolHeng Fa Chuenbars (3)Hired rate0 121BC 以紅酒為主題,所有葡萄酒都由其意大利侍酒師親自挑選,再配上由澳洲大廚精心炮製意大利菜,絕對要...PubCentralHair Salon (1)Hired rate0Kennedy Town Barber ShopHaircutHair ColoringHair Perm (Straight / Curly)Sai Ying Punbars NEWHired rate0Boasting an extensive collection of over 700 of the world’s top malt whiskies and premium champagnes, Safe Bubbles & Malt is the only bar in ...Cocktail BarSheung Wanbars (3)Hired rate0 全港罕見嘅Cocktail清吧,主打Omakase,即係tailor made嘅意思,你只要個人嚟到,將你嘅味覺交畀調酒師便可。 BarCauseway BayOutdoor Activity (2)Hired rate0It is a subsidiary of the Hong Kong Diving Federation. It provides diving training certificate courses at all levels, sells diving supplies, and also organizes ...WakeboardWater SportsCauseway Bay
Service near All Hong Kong
Basketball Lesson in Wan Chai Basketball Lesson in Fortress Hill Basketball Lesson in Quarry Bay Basketball Lesson in Tai Koo Basketball Lesson in Sai Wan Ho Basketball Lesson in Sha Tin Basketball Lesson in Chai Wan Basketball Lesson in Shau Kei Wan Basketball Lesson in Siu Sai Wan Basketball Lesson in North Point Basketball Lesson in Heng Fa Chuen Basketball Lesson in Tuen Mun
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