Deep Ear Exploration Journey

Head Relax
5.0 (16 reviews)
Title: Service Introduction
The ear picker will first use peacock feathers, vibrators, and cloud knives to help you relax. The peacock feathers will be used to stimulate specific areas on the forehead, behind the ears, neck skin, and certain locations to give you a top-notch tingling comfort. Then, ear picks and ear spoons will be used to focus on cleaning the earwax inside the ears. If your ear canal is relatively dirty due to not having cleaned it before, or if the earwax is stuck close to the eardrum, it may take a longer time.
If there is less dirt inside the ear canal, the ear picker will also incorporate some ear massages, pressure relief techniques, and small tools to gently stimulate the acupuncture points in the ear canal, creating a tingling and itching sensation to make you feel comfortable and relaxed, giving you a sense of out-of-body experience.
Title: Treatment Effects
Maintain cleanliness to prevent ear problems
Relieve stress and aid sleep
Calm nerves
Title: Additional Service
Add-on ear candle + $50
Title: Additional service must be paid on-site
Title: Treatment Frequency
One-time treatment
Title: Treatment Duration
Approximately 30 minutes for the entire treatment
Title: Important Notes
Customers are kindly requested to arrive on time, as latecomers may not be accommodated.
In case of special circumstances requiring a time adjustment, please notify the business in advance to change the appointment.
Earwax Cleaning, Stress Relief, and Sleep Aid
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Head Relax
5.0 (16 reviews)Door-to-DoorRemote
Mong Kok & 1 districtsExperienced by 14
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