Modern Thai

Modern Thai

(151 Reviews)
Massage Shop
Kwun Tong


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Thai Massage
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Thai Herbal Ball Massage
Neck and Shoulder Massage
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Liu Po Fan
環境舒服乾淨,真係有摩登泰式按摩feel🙈師傅專業,按得到位,紓緩左我呢排嘅疲勞😪👍🏻按之前仲有問卷了解我需要,我按過咁多次摩好少會有尼個service👍🏻背景音樂又舒服,間房有我鍾意嘅綠色花草做背景,加埋柔和燈光,體驗好好唔錯😁按之前有椰子水飲,係夏天黎講又幾清涼渦,按完有香茅茶同甜品食。另外居然仲有梳妝間,俾我執下個樣係幾貼心😊總體黎講,性價比算好高,有少少係泰國連鎖靚按摩Spa fee!係無咁大姐😂
環境舒服乾淨,真係有摩登泰式按摩feel🙈師傅專業,按得到位,紓緩左我呢排嘅疲勞😪👍🏻按之前仲有問卷了解我需要,我按過咁多次摩好少會有尼個service👍🏻背景音樂又舒服,間房有我鍾意嘅綠色花草做背景,加埋柔和燈光,體驗好好唔錯😁按之前有椰子水飲,係夏天黎講又幾清涼渦,按完有香茅茶同甜品食。另外居然仲有梳妝間,俾我執下個樣係幾貼心😊總體黎講,性價比算好高,有少少係泰國連鎖靚按摩Spa fee!係無咁大姐😂
環境舒服乾淨,真係有摩登泰式按摩feel🙈師傅專業,按得到位,紓緩左我呢排嘅疲勞😪👍🏻按之前仲有問卷了解我需要,我按過咁多次摩好少會有尼個service👍🏻背景音樂又舒服,間房有我鍾意嘅綠色花草做背景,加埋柔和燈光,體驗好好唔錯😁按之前有椰子水飲,係夏天黎講又幾清涼渦,按完有香茅茶同甜品食。另外居然仲有梳妝間,俾我執下個樣係幾貼心😊總體黎講,性價比算好高,有少少係泰國連鎖靚按摩Spa fee!係無咁大姐😂
環境舒服乾淨,真係有摩登泰式按摩feel🙈師傅專業,按得到位,紓緩左我呢排嘅疲勞😪👍🏻按之前仲有問卷了解我需要,我按過咁多次摩好少會有尼個service👍🏻背景音樂又舒服,間房有我鍾意嘅綠色花草做背景,加埋柔和燈光,體驗好好唔錯😁按之前有椰子水飲,係夏天黎講又幾清涼渦,按完有香茅茶同甜品食。另外居然仲有梳妝間,俾我執下個樣係幾貼心😊總體黎講,性價比算好高,有少少係泰國連鎖靚按摩Spa fee!係無咁大姐😂
環境舒服乾淨,真係有摩登泰式按摩feel🙈師傅專業,按得到位,紓緩左我呢排嘅疲勞😪👍🏻按之前仲有問卷了解我需要,我按過咁多次摩好少會有尼個service👍🏻背景音樂又舒服,間房有我鍾意嘅綠色花草做背景,加埋柔和燈光,體驗好好唔錯😁按之前有椰子水飲,係夏天黎講又幾清涼渦,按完有香茅茶同甜品食。另外居然仲有梳妝間,俾我執下個樣係幾貼心😊總體黎講,性價比算好高,有少少係泰國連鎖靚按摩Spa fee!係無咁大姐😂

我好中意揼骨,特別中意泰式,呢間嗰環境好靜好舒服,而且佢地都幾特別,我揀左排毒按摩,佢地有幾款精油比我揀,又有人介紹返啲功效,感覺幾貼心,個椰汁西米糕又幾好食喎。。 而我最欣賞既,都係泰國技師幫我揼,以前一年最小都一年一次泰國啦!而家3年喇!頂!真係有以前泰國揼骨feel!!




Franco Wong
自己本身好鍾意去唔同既按摩店,經朋友推薦觀塘有新開泰式按摩店,地點都算易揾,一入到去感覺好舒適,先有椰青水解渴,再尼最加分位置係,會有問卷簡單了解及客人喜好,好有心,入到去按摩技師手勢純熟,我做到一半恰著左,因為房間音樂氛圍好似置身於泰國spa ,到技師叫我轉身我先識醒🤣 整體嚟講 ,體驗幾好,會再幫襯
自己本身好鍾意去唔同既按摩店,經朋友推薦觀塘有新開泰式按摩店,地點都算易揾,一入到去感覺好舒適,先有椰青水解渴,再尼最加分位置係,會有問卷簡單了解及客人喜好,好有心,入到去按摩技師手勢純熟,我做到一半恰著左,因為房間音樂氛圍好似置身於泰國spa ,到技師叫我轉身我先識醒🤣
整體嚟講 ,體驗幾好,會再幫襯
自己本身好鍾意去唔同既按摩店,經朋友推薦觀塘有新開泰式按摩店,地點都算易揾,一入到去感覺好舒適,先有椰青水解渴,再尼最加分位置係,會有問卷簡單了解及客人喜好,好有心,入到去按摩技師手勢純熟,我做到一半恰著左,因為房間音樂氛圍好似置身於泰國spa ,到技師叫我轉身我先識醒🤣
整體嚟講 ,體驗幾好,會再幫襯


Modern Thai goes beyond traditional Thai massage parlors

Modern Thai, as the name suggests, has a modern meaning, but at the same time it also contains the attitude of More Than Thai. It is a new massage shop that combines modern and traditional elements.
The owner of the Modern Thai shop is a massage lover. In the past few years, he has personally experienced massage shops in Thailand and Hong Kong many times. Therefore, he is familiar with the process and techniques of authentic Thai massage. He is also full of feelings and opinions as a customer. It can be said that he understands the needs of customers very well. . Therefore, when the owner founded Modern Thai, he not only introduced authentic Thai massage to Hong Kong, but also got inspiration from his personal experience and created a set of modern massage service process, which can better meet the needs of massage customers and truly make them enjoy leisurely and relaxing Serve.

Original modern service process takes care of customer needs from details

Modern Thai's self-created service process starts from every tiny detail. As early as when making an appointment for service, the reception staff will first understand the parts you want to massage, your strength preferences and needs, so as to arrange suitable masseurs and rooms.
When you come to Modern Thai, you will first fill out a simple questionnaire, answering questions about diseases and allergies, so that the masseuses can pay attention to it, so as to prevent the massage from being self-defeating and causing harm. There are also questions about massage preferences in the questionnaire. It is up to you to decide whether you want a quiet massage or a relaxing chat! And when you need a charging cable or other equipment, you only need to check or fill in the questionnaire, instead of asking the store clerk in person.
But the most special thing is the front and back portraits provided by Modern Thai! Many people don’t understand or are afraid of embarrassment when massaging, so they can’t tell where they need to focus on massage. Modern Thai’s portrait image allows you to circle the sore, fatigued parts of the body and areas that are not suitable for massage without speaking. It is more convenient to mark the parts with crosses and inform the massage therapist which parts to focus on or avoid!
After the massage, Modern Thai will serve you Thai lemongrass tea and Thai pastries. Snacks and tea drinks are all purchased from Kowloon City, which is known as "Little Thailand in Hong Kong". You are guaranteed to taste the authentic taste of Thailand! And the snacks provided by Modern Thai are different every time, giving you a surprise!

Authentic Thai massage service X comfortable massage environment

The biggest difference between Modern Thai and many Thai massage parlors is the singing bowl. Many Thai massage parlors omit the step of knocking the singing bowl, but here adopts the authentic method. The masseuses have all been trained in the singing bowl and will knock the singing bowl before the service. The singing bowl reminds you that the massage has officially started, and at the same time reminds you to let go of complicated thoughts, so that you can concentrate on enjoying the massage!
The masseurs of Modern Thai are all carefully selected by the owner. They are all Thai masseurs with 20-30 years of experience, and their massage skills are beyond doubt. Because they have lived in Hong Kong for a long time, they can also communicate with customers in simple Cantonese. If you have any needs during the massage, you can feel free to ask them. You can also communicate with them on how to notify them to change clothes, so as to avoid shouting "OK" every time "The embarrassing scene.
Modern Thai has two single rooms and one double room. Disposable massage bed sheets are used, and the room will be disinfected every time the customer finishes the service. The privacy and cleanliness are very high, so you can enjoy it with confidence massage.

Using homemade massage oil is natural, effective and safer

Can you imagine that aromatherapy essential oils have layers? Modern Thai's aromatherapy oil pushing service will use homemade aromatherapy essential oils, and they are made from 3-4 kinds of natural essential oils, so the aroma has a layered sense like perfume. In addition to aroma, its natural ingredients are also the key. The process of making essential oils in Modern Thai does not add additives to ensure natural safety, beneficial to the body and harmless. According to different functions, you can choose suitable essential oils according to your needs.
Thai Massuers
Self Selected Aroma Oil
Over 20 Years of Experience
Near MTR

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Business Hour


Good Reputation
Private Room
Exclusive Product
Free snack
Free Drinks
Free Wifi
Free Charging
Natural Skincare Products
Sanitize the Massage Table After Use
One-Off & Individually Packed Tools