Facial Centre
JC Beauty 單次收費美容中心 (元朗)

JC Beauty 單次收費美容中心 (元朗)

(18 Reviews)
Yuen Long


抱歉之前衝動留言。 職員之後有致電解釋返 間鋪既位置 和原因。態度有禮,亦重新更改了預約時間。 今次係第一次買咗$388試做。 服務時有細心講解程序,亦有提醒要小心注意事項。 完成後有推介新會員有咩優惠。 無強逼購買。
職員之後有致電解釋返 間鋪既位置 和原因。態度有禮,亦重新更改了預約時間。


Winkie Lo
防疫意識好足 入去全身到鞋底都要消毒 美容師Anita經驗好豐富 根據我皮膚介紹番我應該做嘅服務 即刻個價錢比我原本擇個個服務平 佢地真喺想幫客人 多於硬推 會再嚟 nice beauty store thanks

Cat chiu
揾咗單次收費嘅美容院好耐,而家咁時勢,梗係搵啲唔hard sell架啦~ 見到佢個舖頭幾靚就試下,做咗一次皮秒,啲雀斑淡咗,見佢間中有介紹朋友嘅優惠,趁着有優惠,會再試其他膠原療程😬


【One-Time Charge】
JC Beauty's philosophy is everyone can be beautiful. With excellent service, quality products, effective and safe equipments and our rich experience we allow every customer to experience the most effective, natural, quickest and most long-lasting beauty procedure.
JC Beauty has established a single fee model where the customer determines the number of treatments. You don't have to bear the high cost of beauty treatments and you can enjoy the appropriate treatments based on your needs. Maintaining the concept of "everyone can be beautiful", JC Beauty insists on using high-quality products and high-efficiency safety equipment to give customers a complete experience at a one-time charge, which is extremely cost-effective!
【JC Beauty's Treatments Focus on Quality and Thorough Service】
In addition to striving to provide the best beauty treatments so customers can enjoy the most effective and long-lasting treatment. JC Beauty attaches great importance to a hospitable service attitude and all employees have rich experience and are familiar with various beauty techniques. We firmly believe that a reasonable fee model coupled with high-quality service can win the support of customers.

Popular Treatments

【Hong Kong Exclusive R4 Generation German Eyelash Regeneration】
Real long eyelashes up to 13mm
🔹 Does not contain medicine or hormones, is safe and effective
🔹Will not have dark eye circles, red eyes, no side-effects
🔹German high-quality materials SGS testing and approval
🔹Active low molecules 98% survival rate
🥇3x per treatment Effects last for 1~2 years‼️
World's Most Effective Super Picosecond】
JC Beauty's one-time charge model,enjoy top true picoseconds
🔹the world's fastest crushing of various stains, whitening, minimize pores and anti-wrinkle
🔹Quickly remove acne marks, eczema marks and remove pigmentation
🔹Peak energy ⬆️stimulates comprehensive collagen regeneration and removes bumps🥇
🔸Safe, painless and non-invasive, no longer like elastic
🔸No scabbing, no damage, can apply make-up instantly https://staticfiles2.hellotoby.com/gallery/2020/04/90572366.jpeg
【Skin Quality】
JC Beauty From the root of the skin problem, you can directly solve the cell problem and the latest upgrade has the effect of repairing inside and outside⬆️
✅Eliminate defective cells
✅Upgrade repair and rearrange cell U
✅Immediately open the cell absorption tube by 5 times
✅ Restore skin and cells' healthy condition
✅ Update and repair "damaged and aging skin"
✅Purifies and detoxifies the skin, brighten the skin color
✅ Increase the skin's immunity

Additional Information

【Why Acne Scars Form?】
Why should acne cover your beautiful face? Why is it that when it is hot season, your face gets oily and shiny? Acne is a common skin problem but many people do not know how to handle it. If you want to get rid of acne, you need to know its cause in order to completely treat and eradicate them.
<<Causes of Acne>>
Pimples and acne are a kind of chronic hair follicle sebaceous gland inflammation which is caused by excessive secretion of male hormones which accumulates in the pores as oil plugs and infection by bacteria causes the red and swollen acne. Oily skin would often have bigger pores than other skin types with a thick stratum corneum. When it is summer time, the face gets very oily especially in the T zone of the nose. Excessive oil secretion can clog pores and cause acne formation. Your food and drinking habits, high fat and consuming spicy food and other food that is stimulating can cause acne formation. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid irritating the sweat glands of the skin and causing abnormal oil secretion.
Resting time can also greatly affect your acne problems. Disruptions in resting time can lead to endocrine disorders. Make the hair follicle sebaceous duct abnormal keratinization and hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands will then cause acne.
Cleaning: improper cleaning and care will cause the skin to lose the weak acid protection of the natural sebum membrane and cause bacteria to develop into acne.
Once we know the cause of acne, we need to pay particular attention to it. Choosing the most effective skin treatment, destroy and remove the acne!
Try JC Beauty's latest skin quality quick fix.
If you often have acne, pimple, stone acne,is often sensitive and flushed and already moisturizes everyday then this treatment is right for you.
✅Targeting acne, pimples, dark spots and etc.
✅Eliminate defective cells
✅Repair and rearrange cells to healthy ones
✅Repair damaged and aging skin
✅Improve skin complexion, clean and detoxify skin
Solve the root cause of the cell problem, reorganize the cell channel and directly turn into healthy cells.
Try this treatment for 3-5x and the skin will become more neutral.
【Why are pores always bothering me?】
Big pores is a common problem that many people share. People also have black heads causing concern. However once you know the cause of big pores you can use the right treatment to solve the problem. Pores is a common problem that can be caused by various reasons and the four main reasons are as below:
1.Sebaceous glands secrete excess sebum causing the pores to enlarge
Strong sebaceous gland secretion causing the secretion to be very complicated and the sebum accumulates on the skin enlarging the pores.
2.Aging skin causes pores to loosen and expand
As our bodies age and are exposed to the sun and pollution, the skin will age and collagen level will reduce. The collagen functions to support our pores, if the collagen level is reduced then our pores will also loosen and expand.
3. Incorrect skin care – oil and water balance. If you ignore the importance of moisturizing causing an imbalance in water and oil level combined with excess sebum secretion, pores will enlarge.
4.Acne (problematic skin)
Acne causes our skin to be rough and not only destroys the dermal structure it also destroys pore structure causing the pores to become bigger。
After knowing the cause of pore problems, we need to choose scientific skin care methods and follow professional advice so we can spend less money and effectively and quickly eliminate pore problems.
JC Beauty has two picoseconds:
- The world’s most effective and fastest ”super picosecond 300”
-“PicoSecond second generation “picosecond
to help you instantly solve your pore problems!
No Hard Sell
Chain Store
Exclusive Brand

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