

(53 Reviews)
Massage Shop
Tsuen Wan


Cancellable up to 1 hour before
Massage Special Offer
Full Massage
Acupressure Massage
Hot Stone
Aromatherapy Massage
Other Massage Services
Magnetic Massage
Meridian Massage
Breast Massage
"Special Offer" Healthy Meridian Apparatus with Whole Body Lymphatic Treatment (Free Ai Mud Mask)
Accelerate the excretion of waste and harmful substances in cells
New Customer Offer
Booked 22
90-minute full-body hand massage (only for female guests)
relieve physical fatigue
New Customer Offer
Booked 22
45 minutes acupoint loosening massage (only for female guests)
Acupoint massage to relax muscles and activate collaterals
New Customer Offer
Booked 8


Wong Barbie
之前試過附近幾間按摩,手勢最好都係呢間!按摩師好專業,下下按中穴位痠痛位,淋巴推完胸即刻脹卜卜,軟酥酥的!有彈性咗! 而且老闆同店員全部都好nice,本身仲驚好hardsell,但完全無!最後仲有玫瑰花茶同好好食嘅芝麻餅!十分推介!依家個個禮拜收工都會想去按下!真心不錯!!

Bee Cheung
今日為慶祝媽媽生日,帶佢嚟放鬆一下,網上見iyashi 癒やし評價幾高就盲試下,結果比預期之中更舒服🌟地理位置又方便易搵,而店舖屬於小型的但非常乾淨舒適,有坐椅及茶水招呼,入去做療程前會有份問卷填,店員之後會解釋或者解答你嘅疑問,令你會有好安心嘅感覺,另外店員好客但唔會hard sell,而且非常專業,人靚又好傾🫶🏻 試Join咗一個熱石養生同肚燭,師傅手勢專業純熟,過程中身心寧都得到放鬆👍🏻決定之後買多次其他療程俾媽媽試下,有機會我都再介紹其他親朋戚友嚟做,包括我

Ivy Chiu
最近工作壓力大,訓得又唔係咁好,成日半夜醒。我見呢間有啲優惠價,我嚟試做調頻同按摩,希望改善到睡眠質素。尋日試完,真係訓得好咗,竟然冇半夜醒,另外躺平腰痛都改善咗。加再對痛症嘅泥膜好得👍🏻 會再嚟!真係改善到身心靈健康😌


Body and soul healing experience—IYASHI 超やし

IYASHI 失やし aims to provide you with a different healing experience of body and soul, helping you to achieve harmony and healing of body, mind and soul. There are seven chakras in the human body, distributed in different parts on the central axis of the body, which have an important impact on people's physical and psychological states. In IYASHI's course of treatment, the healing method mainly achieves the best curative effect by regulating the chakras of the energy center of the human body. The therapist will adjust the chakras according to individual needs, help balance and activate the chakras, so as to effectively relieve physical fatigue, stress and psychological discomfort.

Multi-variety massage therapy helps to relieve health and shape the body

IYASHI is a series of treatments to help you gradually restore the balance and health of your body and mind. We especially recommend "Pure Natural Aromatherapy All-round Therapy". According to your physical condition, you can use home-made essential oils, scented and functional all-natural aromatherapy essential oils to reduce stress, relieve anxiety, relax muscles, eliminate fatigue and remove edema, etc. Efficacy, suitable for office workers who are busy and do little exercise. In addition, the "seven-wheel frequency modulation massage" will detect the value of the seven major chakras through testing, and use chakra frequency modulation and manual massage to improve imbalance problems and comprehensively improve the state of mind and body. Ladies' favorite treatments must be "Scraping and Detoxification", "Exilis Ultra 360 Body Sculpting Collagen Gun" and "Healthy Meridian Apparatus". Detoxification helps all beauty-loving women realize their multiple wishes of health preservation, body shaping and beauty.

Personalized Exclusive Experience

IYASHI's professional therapists will provide you with detailed consultation, customize the most suitable course of treatment for you according to your physical condition and needs, ensure you get the best healing effect, and improve various problems in a targeted manner. If you choose body, mind and soul massage therapy, IYASHI will specially prepare the aroma diffuser oil that suits you or you like, so that the aroma will accompany you throughout the course of treatment, giving you an unprecedented sense of healing.

Designed to achieve your body, mind and soul balance and health

In order to allow you to obtain the best healing effect, IYASHI has specially set up a healing area to provide a highly private space for you to completely relax your body and mind for spiritual healing. During the course of treatment, the therapist will prepare a comfortable bed and melodious music for you, allowing you to have a healing massage in the most comfortable and relaxing atmosphere. IYASHIyuやし hopes that this pleasant and relaxing treatment experience can help you better restore the balance and health of your body and mind.

IYASHI brings you 5 healing feelings

1) Hearing enjoyment: Play FM music, vibration and frequency are very important to human life, although they are invisible forces, they affect our life all the time. The soft and warm audio in the IYASHI 失やし store can make you feel relaxed and has healing effects; 2) Touch enjoyment: Different from general beauty massage treatments, the therapist focuses on healing through hands, allowing guests to completely release, massage therapy Combined with natural aromatherapy essential oils, you can get better healing effects physically and mentally; 3) Visual enjoyment: The store decoration adopts the earth-colored cream style, simple and natural colors and designs, allowing customers to feel immediately when they enter the store Relaxing and healing atmosphere; 4) Taste enjoyment: After the treatment, IYASHI will also provide you with fragrant seasonal flower tea and exquisite desserts, so that you can add a little sweetness, so that you can enjoy the healing process 5) Smell enjoyment: Fragrance can effectively change people's emotions, so the store sets up different functions of essential oils in each area, and corresponding to different situations, it is necessary to carry out aromatherapy to achieve The enjoyment of olfactory healing.
Diverse Services
Natural Essential Oil
Healthy Herbal Tea

Shop No. 17, 6/F, 88 Plaza, No. 88 Yeung Uk Road, Tsuen Wan, N.T.
See in Map
Business Hour


Free Drinks
Free snack
Natural Skincare Products
Private Room
Personalized Treatment