Dicky Ho

20+ Years
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🏅中大研究型碩士(MPhil 數學),一級榮譽畢業 (數學精研),學位教師文憑 (中學數學)
🏅中學所有數學 (Math, AMath, Pure Math, Applied Math) 成績 A 級
🏅在著名期刊 IEEE 發表數學文章,被引用超過 1400 次
🏅香港及英國教育局註冊教師,在香港著名 Band 1A 英中全職任教 15 年
🏅男拔學生應考 IBDP Math HL (AA) 取得等級 7 的佳績(卷別平均分 >80 分)
🏅蔡繼有學生應考 IGCSE Math & AMath 取得等級 A* 的佳績
🏅連續 3 年 HKDSE Math 及 M2,共有 31 位學生奪取 5** 最佳成績 (Math: 18, M2: 13)
🏅連續 3 年 HKDSE Math,96% 學生奪取 Lv 5 或以上成績,75% 學生更取得 5*/5**
🏅連續 3 年 HKDSE M2,82% 學生奪取 Lv 5 或以上成績,46% 學生更取得 5*/5**

🏅CUHK: MPhil (Math), BSc (Enrichment in Math, 1st Class Hon), PGDE (Math)
🏅HKCEE (Math, AMath), HKALE (Pure Math, Applied Math): Grade A
🏅Math paper published in IEEE journal has been cited >1400 times
🏅IBDP Math AA HL: Private students from DBS got 7s and their marks > 80/100
🏅IGCSE Math/AMath: Private student from CKY got A* in both Math and AMath
🏅DSE Math and M2 (3 years): 31 students got 5** (Math: 18, M2: 13)
🏅DSE Math (3 years): 96% students got Lv 5/5*/5**, 75% got Lv 5*/5**
🏅DSE M2 (3 years): 82% students got Lv 5/5*/5**, 46% got Lv 5*/5**

BSC (Enrichment in Math, 1st Class Honour)
MPhil (Math)

現正修讀 IB Math 新課程, 能否應付到? Is it possible to cover the new curriculum of IB Math?

可以。 Yes.

每星期幾多節,每節幾多分鐘?How many lessons are there every week and how long is each lesson?

建議每星期一至三節,視乎學生的目標及需要;由於網課緣故,建議每節 60 分鐘。 Opt for 1-3 sessions per week, based on students' goals and needs. Keep each session to a 60-minute duration due to online classes.