個人理財 NEW獲聘次數1[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"陳文仲(CFA 和 FRM)是亞馬遜排名第一的新書《A Stock Investment Book For The 99%》的作者,也是《AroundDB》雜誌的文章作者。他還在 Courseplay 上教授在線 ETF 課程。他在摩根士丹利和匯豐銀行等銀行擔任交易...投資課程愉景灣婚攝 (10)獲聘次數118Welcomes you for individual, family or group portraits which offer an unforgettable session....婚禮攝影結婚註冊攝影婚宴攝影+ 1屯門諮詢服務 NEW獲聘次數1[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"BT Tan (CFA & FRM) is the author of #1 New Release on Amazon \"A Stock Investment Book For The 99%\" and writer of financial ...投資管理及顧問愉景灣桌上遊戲 NEW獲聘次數1[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"BT Tan"},{"bold":true,"text":"(CFA & FRM)"},{"text":" is the author of "},{"text":"#1 New Release on Amazon \"A Stock Investment Book For The 99%\" ","bold":true},{"text":"and writer of articles for ...國際象棋班愉景灣健身訓練 (1)獲聘次數1👩🏻🏫Alice Wong丨Since 2017丨📜200HR RYT 📃Yoga alliance, USA recognized yoga teacher. 🧘🏻♀️Specialized in Hatha yoga, certified by Rishikesh ...瑜伽班伸展班全香港設計服務 (1)獲聘次數1[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Please head to this google slides for my portfolio :)"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":" "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]}]...廣告貼紙製作背景板設計封面設計+ 7不限服務地區外判服務,法律查詢,會計及簿記,辦公場地及設備 (1)獲聘次數2[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"We are a strong team to provide one-go fast startup of business in Hong Kong from various HK visa, group structuring, business centre and virtual ...商標註冊公證服務商業事務法律咨詢+ 14銅鑼灣鍵盤樂課程,其他音樂課程 (1)獲聘次數2有意請直接電話查詢。 本人已考獲英國皇家音樂學院鋼琴演奏文憑超過10年,同時已擔任小朋友私人教師12年,因材施教,助學生應考英國皇家音樂學院考試, 歡迎預約試堂。 Tel: 609***98 (Miss Angel)...鋼琴班樂理班不限服務地區球類運動 (35)獲聘次數56(教練資料 Coach Profile) : - 香港政府康文署網球班指定導師 Nominated Tennis Instructor of HK Goverment; - 香港網球總會註冊教練 ...網球班香港仔保安系統,裝修設計,辦公場地及設備,品質檢驗,及其他 (1)獲聘次數1本人是建築專業畢業,有二十幾年家居裝修維修經驗。冷氣工程冷氣機清洗家居裝修+ 54油麻地