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- Iris Lee2024年10月23日
Leo sir係我減重期間都俾到好好既幫助以及建議我,上課過程會不斷鼓勵,毫無hard feeling ,值得推薦👍
- XIAO FENG2024年10月21日
- Leung Kwai Wa Jennifer2024年10月16日
I wholeheartedly recommend Kaman as a confinement nanny. Especially for breastfeeding mothers, as she is a lactation consultant which really helps to deal with the breastfeeding problems,like Mastitis.
- hei2024年8月25日
好好既物理治療,地點近地鐵站,環境又舒服,會提供短褲更換,好方便。 物理治療師又好專業,可以一下就搵到我痛既原因,再循序漸進同分部分去幫我拉鬆返d肌肉,再用針炙幫助肌肉放鬆,又會教對應既運動去比我練返肌肉。達致長遠既治療效果!推薦!
- Will2024年8月20日
I wasn’t sure what to expect when I followed this physical therapist on IG, but I’ve been really impressed. I was struggling with elbow pain, and after just a few sessions, I can already feel a difference! Their tips and exercises have really helped me out. If you're dealing with pain, I’d definitely recommend giving them a try!
- Eva L2024年8月16日