辦公室維修及安裝 NEW獲聘次數0https://wa.me/+852 562***70 持牌電業工程人員 多年裝修與電力維修安裝經驗 放心保證 歡迎報價...電力工程燈飾工程不限服務地區廣告服務 NEW獲聘次數0Christiaan Hart Photography provides professional event, corporate, sport and commercial photography services in Hong Kong and abroad. We pride ourselves on delivering fresh, professional images ...頭像攝影商業攝影上環深層清潔 NEW獲聘次數0工程從來都是1+1大於2廢物清除及處理服務裝修後清潔除甲醛服務+ 4不限服務地區設計服務 NEW獲聘次數0Shirley graduated two years ago from Poly U with a degree in fashion retailing. Her creative nature and passion for design has enabled her to ...名片設計展覽及攤位設計Banner與易拉架設計+ 14不限服務地區設計服務 NEW獲聘次數0I am a visual art student and have different working experiences on design jobs and sometimes photography works. I can work independent and focus on ...廣告貼紙製作平面設計廣告設計+ 11不限服務地區編輯 NEW獲聘次數0現職香港中國通訊社攝影記者影片編輯太古瑣事代辦 NEW獲聘次數0Design, cost estimate, contracting and management of construction / fitting-out work...跑腿不限服務地區生活,編輯,婚禮攝錄,影視製作 NEW獲聘次數0我地係Soulfilm,由幾位年輕人創辦的公司,我地主要拍攝項目為主,歡迎大家搵我地幫手制作,電話聯絡640***87, 643***64, email sou***@*****.com...婚禮錄影影片拍攝及製作紀錄片製作+ 4不限服務地區婚禮婚宴 NEW獲聘次數0About Heidi Graduated from the Design School of Design, studying Graphic Design diploma obtained, Silver and outstanding, good at English proficiency, and now as a ...婚禮佈置結婚禮物長沙灣家居維修及安裝 NEW獲聘次數6合眾裝飾工程公司以客戶為本解決一切家居裝修問題 包括油漆 地板修補 水晶地板 漏水 家具維修及泥水工...浴缸更換半山區