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- Nanumaya Rana Thapa2024年3月5日
I liked it all perfect as much I wish
- 陳小姐2024年3月4日
- Sally2023年8月25日
報價詳細 講解清晰 價錢合理 準時交貨
- Cat2023年8月17日
我同先生本身已經有潛水牌,小朋友年初時去左泰國一次discovery dive就愛上了潛水。 之後幫佢地喺香港搵潛水教練考牌以便暑假再去潛水。 搵左幾間都係只會安排兩日出海考牌。 其實小朋友考牌都要衝過心理關口,所以我好想搵一間可以係泳池預先訓練,準備好之後再出海考牌嘅diving master。 真係好好彩遇到了Ugo Sir。 佢為人細心,十分注重安全。除咗1日泳池訓練+兩日出海。另外仲同我小朋友上咗兩堂理論課,令佢地對潛水有更清晰嘅概念。 呢次考牌係十分愉快同順利嘅情況下完成了。 好感謝Ugo Sir 同 Angel 嘅幫忙!
- Kelda cheng2023年5月8日
- Robin Janssens2023年4月14日
Ugo is a very professional, patient and knowledgeable diving instructor (I can't remember his exact title because he has so many certifications). In addition to the curriculum provided by PADI, he added his own insights from his extensive experience and also gave some ideas on the next steps down the recreational or professional path. He clearly lives and breathes diving. So far I have done Reactivate and Advanced Open Water with Ugo and he will be the first guy I call for the next certification