維修 NEW獲聘次數009年開始做訂造傢俬學徒至12年開始在(實X)包車至今。本人裝過各樣和救過多種木器傢俬.相信我的知識可邦到大家。...淘寶傢俬安裝五金安裝不限服務地區行銷 NEW獲聘次數0可能係世界上最好嘅宣傳策劃專家 服務簡介: - 市場策略計劃顧問 - 網絡紅人KOL 宣傳策略 - 活動...內容行銷柴灣瑣事代辦 NEW獲聘次數0Chinese word processing, English word processingLOL代打不限服務地區外判服務,翻譯服務,行銷 NEW獲聘次數0As a marketing communications/digital marketing professional with nearly a decade of working experience in a 5-star airline, a reputable Chinese television network, as well as ...不限服務地區應試準備,學科補習 NEW獲聘次數0本人就讀於香港中文大學社工系二年級,DSE數學和M2分別考獲5**和5*。有耐心,有豐富補習經驗,學生涵蓋小學至高中,因材施教,為人守時,有責任感。學生若有課業問題,下課時仍可以wts詢問。...小學補習小學/一般補習數學補習+ 1深水埗語言 NEW獲聘次數0-Attained TOPIK Level 6 in 2021 -Attened intermediate level Korean Course in Sungkyunkwan University in 2017 -Now working as a freelancer for Korean tutoring and ...韓語課程不限服務地區義工服務 NEW獲聘次數0Fine wine expertTime Auction 義工招募不限服務地區妝髮服務,造型化妝,設計 NEW獲聘次數0Hi, I am Ting. I have 1+ of experience in designs & makeup and have proudly served over 100 clients. Aside from retail services, I ...演出化妝活動髮型及化妝海報設計+ 7不限服務地區老年護理 NEW獲聘次數94年護士經驗,曾於公立醫院內科及腦外科加護病房工作,性格細心,能提供個人化護理需求。私家看護不限服務地區外判服務 NEW獲聘次數0Education Qualification: Graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University and majored in Psychology Specialization - Event Management: Experience in organizing carnivals, competitions, workshops / interest classes ...發傳單不限服務地區