結他課程 (2)獲聘次數4ABOUT MUFI PRODUCTION Mufi Production consists of professional experienced sound engineers, musicians, video pre- and post-production teams. We have participated in local and internationally released ...吉他課程鰂魚涌安裝,維修 (1)獲聘次數310年以上安裝維修家居電器經驗 盡心負責幫助客戶解決問題 但求令客戶放心安心冷氣工程家電維修燈飾安裝不限服務地區語言 (1)獲聘次數2I am a native Cantonese speaker who is able to speak Mandarin and English fluently and Thai at a conversational level. I completed a 10-month ...韓語課程馬鞍山網頁,編輯,設計,IT與開發,及其他 (1)獲聘次數1超過6年IoT項目開發經驗,有自己的IoT開放式平台,有designer partner,可接網頁開發及設計。...網頁設計UX/UI設計網站開發+ 13荔枝角瑣事代辦 (1)獲聘次數1Life would be too smooth if it had no rubs in it.海外代購青衣設計 NEW獲聘次數0Hello! I am Celine. Despite my educational background is in the field of sustainability, I have pursuing my interest and passion in graphic design, branding ...海報設計包裝設計平面設計+ 6不限服務地區鍵盤樂課程 NEW獲聘次數0背景: -全職音樂專為導師 -音樂學士(鋼琴),ATCL演奏級, 以及8級樂理 -從事敎學約九年, 教學認真, 致力培養和發展學生音樂的創造力、思考能力,美感觸覺。 -教學亦會配合一些小遊戲提升兒童對於學習的興趣, 亦...鋼琴課程紅磡語言 (1)獲聘次數4教授普通話: 具多年教學及商務經驗,普通話考獲二甲證書,能操流利及標準地道的普通話及廣東話。能針對學...廣東話課程普通話課程不限服務地區外判服務,市場調查及商務分析,翻譯服務,語言,及其他 NEW獲聘次數0提供本地及海外旅遊資詢,各類寫作及畫畫服務。普通話課程全香港語言 (1)獲聘次數1I graduated in university in France and had been working in French Law Firm for more than seven years. I had some french learning students ...法語課程旺角