瑣事代辦 (1)獲聘次數1Life would be too smooth if it had no rubs in it.海外代購青衣網頁,編輯,設計,IT與開發,及其他 (1)獲聘次數1超過6年IoT項目開發經驗,有自己的IoT開放式平台,有designer partner,可接網頁開發及設計。...網頁設計UX/UI設計網站開發+ 13荔枝角語言 (1)獲聘次數2I am a native Cantonese speaker who is able to speak Mandarin and English fluently and Thai at a conversational level. I completed a 10-month ...韓語課程馬鞍山設計 NEW獲聘次數0Hello! I am Celine. Despite my educational background is in the field of sustainability, I have pursuing my interest and passion in graphic design, branding ...海報設計包裝設計平面設計+ 6不限服務地區語言 (1)獲聘次數4教授普通話: 具多年教學及商務經驗,普通話考獲二甲證書,能操流利及標準地道的普通話及廣東話。能針對學...廣東話課程普通話課程不限服務地區鍵盤樂課程 NEW獲聘次數0背景: -全職音樂專為導師 -音樂學士(鋼琴),ATCL演奏級, 以及8級樂理 -從事敎學約九年, 教學認真, 致力培養和發展學生音樂的創造力、思考能力,美感觸覺。 -教學亦會配合一些小遊戲提升兒童對於學習的興趣, 亦...鋼琴課程紅磡按摩店 (28)獲聘次數31專業且私隱度高的按摩體驗 彩姿養生館於觀塘興達大廈,鄰近觀塘廣場及Outlet Express Hong Kong,距離港鐵站B2出口步行約4分鐘,適合上班族或購物後輕鬆一下。 彩姿養生館的老闆...穴位按摩拔罐腳底按摩+ 8觀塘外判服務,語言,感情咨詢,市場調查及商務分析,及其他 NEW獲聘次數0提供本地及海外旅遊資詢,各類寫作及畫畫服務。普通話課程全香港散步 (1)獲聘次數3I am a freelance stylist and photographer, consulting on personal and event styling. Offer head to toe professional advices. Have experinces working with artists. Graduated ...STEM課程中國茶藝課程狗狗遛彎鯉魚門語言 (1)獲聘次數1I graduated in university in France and had been working in French Law Firm for more than seven years. I had some french learning students ...法語課程旺角