體能訓練 NEW獲聘次數0If you are obsessed with strength and power, or wanna get stronger, please feel free to contact me. What can you get from me - ...私人教練課程荃灣健身室,體能訓練,拳擊運動 NEW獲聘次數0Boxing 教練|現役輕量級拳擊運動員 營養學系修讀|L&L 減重教練level 1 私人拳擊訓練🥊 歡迎私訊查詢📮...拳擊拳擊課程泰拳班+ 2不限服務地區體能訓練 NEW獲聘次數0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Hello, we are [Company Name]. Founded in [year], we primiarily offer services in [service type(s)].\n\nWe specialize in [service characteristics + types], including [e.g. private tutoring] ...私人教練課程普拉提課程Crossfit班+ 2不限服務地區體能訓練,體育 NEW獲聘次數0Hello nice to meet you all! I am Peter and currently working as a freelance personal trainer with NASM / PTA global’s certification. In case ...私人教練課程健身教練課程足球課程藍田糾紛,外判服務,瑣事代辦,體能訓練,及其他 NEW獲聘次數0我是[名字],擁有[x]年的[服務]經驗,已協助[x]個客戶解決問題,期間得到很多客戶的信任。 除了門市服務外,我也提供上門服務,服務範圍包括[列出服務]等。 如對[服務]有任何問題,歡迎客戶向我查詢,我十分樂意為你解答。...數學補習小學補習微信營銷+ 12不限服務地區心理與放鬆,體能訓練,健康與營養,體育 NEW獲聘次數0Hello 我係Michael 😊performance and rehab Trainer ,擁有4年健身經驗,服務顧客超過80個,且備受好評。我的服務範圍包括: 專業資格: 🔹運動教練學 Sheffield Hallam University 🔹EXOS Performance Certification �...私人教練課程Crossfit班健身教練課程+ 2全香港體能訓練 NEW獲聘次數0👋🏾我叫Luis 雖然我經驗尚淺,但係對做gym嘅認識非常深厚,充分了解身體結構,從而知道用咩方法可以最能刺激肌肉 可以提供埋exercises program同埋diet plan 如果budget有限嘅話又或者可以試下online coaching (包exercises program+diet plan+weekly check in)...私人教練課程不限服務地區體能訓練 NEW獲聘次數0Former professional American Football athlete Scope of service - Personal / group training, customized workout program, strength and conditioning training. NSCA - Certificate of Strength ...私人教練課程不限服務地區體能訓練,體育 NEW獲聘次數0持有國際及本地健身教練證照 運動學系高級文憑畢業生 超過七年健身經驗 多年教學經驗 為幫助及教導更多...籃球課程私人教練課程葵芳兒童及幼兒,其他課程,產後護理,體能訓練,及其他 NEW獲聘次數0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"多年Playgroup 教授經驗\n1-10歲的小朋友都可以\n\n也有做門維修"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"也有做各種雜項服務 "}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"經驗多,評價好"}]}]...兒童Playgroup門安裝私人教練課程+ 1中環
- Ms Ma2025年3月17日
- 匿名用戶2025年3月17日
教練真係超專業,每次上堂都學到好多嘢,動作講解非常清晰!👍🏻 佢仲會提供埋飲食建議,令我操得更有效果~😋 最緊要係對新手超級友善,完全唔會覺得有壓力,強烈推薦俾啱啱開始健身嘅朋友!💪🏻🔥
- aob***@*****.com2025年3月10日
十分耐心指導 動作講解詳細
- kpk***@*****.com2025年3月10日
- Chan2025年3月10日
--- I am so happy to have Jimmy as my personal trainer! He is a highly experienced trainer who truly understands your needs and develops a personalized plan tailored to your fitness level. Jimmy consistently monitors your progress and refines the plan as needed to ensure you stay on track. He is incredibly encouraging during workout sessions, which makes every session both motivating and enjoyable. The gym is also fantastic—clean, tidy, and equipped with a wide variety of equipment. Plus, the location is very convenient. Overall, I’m thrilled to have connected with Jimmy as my personal trainer through the Toby App. I highly recommend him to anyone looking for a professional and supportive trainer.
- Carmen lee2025年3月7日