網頁 NEW獲聘次數0Hi, this’s Rhea! I have a 4-years experience in media and advertising design fields including video production, motion graphic, product shooting, photo retouching and graphic ...UI設計網頁設計不限服務地區學科補習 NEW獲聘次數0I was born and raised in the UK. I have a neutral easy to understand British accent. I studied Law at the University of Sheffield ...英文補習小學補習尖沙咀會計及簿記 NEW獲聘次數0香港會計師公會會員,現任職4大會計師事務所。公司註冊會計個人稅務申報+ 4馬鞍山舞蹈 NEW獲聘次數0University student from HKUST majoring in Economics...芭蕾舞班現代舞班中國舞班不限服務地區弦樂課程,婚禮表演,學科補習,語言學習 NEW獲聘次數0Thank you for your interest in music. This is James and I'm a young man finishing undergraduate studies in music this summer. I hope to ...音樂表演英文補習小提琴班+ 3九龍城會計及簿記 NEW獲聘次數0General Accounting,Office Administration, Payroll & MPF, Company Secretary Service...會計公司註冊秘書服務灣仔語言學習 NEW獲聘次數0可提供教中国软笔书法,小提琴,普通话课程,有需要请私信。 自幼学习书法和小提琴,多次获全国比赛一等奖...普通話班不限服務地區編輯,影視製作 NEW獲聘次數0影片編輯影片拍攝及製作不限服務地區學科補習 NEW獲聘次數0half italian and half hong kongnese, available for translation work and also music tutoring in cantonese / mandarin / english....哲學補習不限服務地區婚禮表演 NEW獲聘次數1本人有超過8年的街舞及空翻經驗 亦曾參與不同大少的表演及比賽舞蹈表演觀塘