編輯 NEW獲聘次數1Freelance Photographer and Videographer, focus on Product, Portrait, Drama, Event, Landscape and more. Specialised in Abstract, Spcaing, Linear, Color and Atmophere....影片編輯PS修圖服務不限服務地區管樂課程 NEW獲聘次數0I am a professional musician and teacher of clarinet, piano and saxophone from London with a BMus(Hons) and LTCL from music college. I have performed ...單簧管班色士風班灣仔生活 NEW獲聘次數0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Amateur photographer looking to expand portfolio in event photography. I love the joy of taking photos and am keen to share the same with you!"}]}]...藝術攝影嬰兒攝影概念攝影+ 10不限服務地區數碼營銷 NEW獲聘次數2A Minor Production is a young, vibrant Multimedia Production House and Digital Marketing Agency that looks beyond ideas and innovation....內容營銷Instagram營銷Facebook營銷+ 4不限服務地區應用程式開發 NEW獲聘次數1App design and programmingAPP設計科技券計劃APP開發+ 1荃灣學科補習,語言學習 NEW獲聘次數0曾在法国生活过两年,法语听说读写流利,对法语考试非常熟悉。數學補習奧數補習英文補習+ 1不限服務地區網頁,應用程式開發 NEW獲聘次數0Duplex Factory is professional in the field. Creating maintainable and robust programs. We are capable of doing various projects, including full stack website development, mobile ...UI設計網頁設計網頁開發+ 2不限服務地區影視製作 NEW獲聘次數0微電影製作柴灣裝修設計 NEW獲聘次數0浴缸 廚廁噴油翻新專家浴室裝修局部裝修不限服務地區翻譯服務 NEW獲聘次數0Cantonese teacher English and chinese transaltor英文翻譯中文翻譯堅尼地城