工作坊 NEW獲聘次數0Mag is currently studying Visual Art degree in HKBU. Able to provide service related to art, design, music and tie dye. Willing to communicate, outgoing, ...其他工作坊木工工作坊東涌汽車買賣,汽車護理,舞蹈,寵物寄養,及其他 NEW獲聘次數0-Jazz funk and Hip Hop Dance experience over 7+years -Car service over 5+years -Pet service over 2+years -感情咨詢顧問服務over 4+years...Jazz Funk舞蹈班Hip Hop班二手車買賣+ 10不限服務地區商業活動統籌 NEW獲聘次數0Rich experience in event到會服務(公司活動)商場活動統籌音響設備出租(公司活動)+ 6不限服務地區鍵盤樂課程 NEW獲聘次數0HelloToby is an online marketplace for services. Our vision is to improve lives by connecting people with services needs to professionals with skills. We aim ...鋼琴班上環選修科補習 NEW獲聘次數0[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"畢業於浸會大學,major宗教及哲學系(哲學專修),minor中文,曾奪全港詩詞創作比賽(學生組)冠軍。現就讀於中文大學中文系MA。"}]}]...倫理與宗教補習不限服務地區美甲服務 NEW獲聘次數0修甲美甲中環諮詢服務 NEW獲聘次數0Calvin Lau人力資源HR諮詢不限服務地區演藝人員,婚禮表演 NEW獲聘次數0It's about time for some music About Time Music 是由一班專業,有熱誠的年輕人組成的樂隊,主打各個年代的時代曲。我...樂隊表演音樂表演唱歌表演不限服務地區學科補習 NEW獲聘次數1Flute Tutor Music Theory Tutor Primary School Tutor...數學補習藍田學科補習,鍵盤樂課程,樂器保養維修 NEW獲聘次數0本人正就讀HKUST,主修SCIENCE,有力勝任任教中小學理科科目數學補習物理補習鋼琴班+ 4深水埗