學科補習,桌上遊戲 NEW獲聘次數0- Graduated from the University of Edinburgh (MA with Hons) in 2018 - Extensive knowledge on both Chinese and Western history - Fluent Chinese and ...中國歷史補習英文補習歷史補習+ 1不限服務地區生活品味 NEW獲聘次數0Wing 現職化妝師,同時是電影美術指導。 亦懂特技化妝。 曾自己開辦專業化妝班、個人化妝班及特技化妝班,...個人形象儀態課程化妝班不限服務地區外判服務,生活,網頁,編輯,及其他 NEW獲聘次數0Need Design? Find me!活動助理公司頒獎典禮籌備公司週年晚宴籌備+ 29將軍澳鍵盤樂課程,其他音樂課程 NEW獲聘次數0Bachelor of Education Master of Educaution More than 20 years experience in local schools and private teaching...樂理班視唱練耳班鋼琴班不限服務地區個人事務,外判服務,設計與訂製,語言學習,及其他 NEW獲聘次數0Fresh grad from RMIT melbourne, major Fashion design and Technology. Fashion / Styling/ e-commerce related job welcome....普通話班網絡行銷公司Instagram營銷+ 4半山區瑣事代辦 NEW獲聘次數0Chinese word processing, English word processing跑腿不限服務地區網頁 NEW獲聘次數0i am a IT analyst experienced at develop content management system, and website design, and PC support...網頁設計網頁開發深水埗網頁 NEW獲聘次數0Website / Graphic / Logo Designer網頁設計不限服務地區會計及簿記 NEW獲聘次數0會計觀塘裝修設計,辦公場地及設備 NEW獲聘次數0ZIP is an interior design studio based in Hong Kong. Our projects are built with creative thinking and professional service, advocates combination of modern urban ...室內設計辦公室室內設計和裝修室內裝修設計+ 2荔枝角