市場調查及商務分析 NEW獲聘次數0Hello there! I'm a year two design student and I'm looking for some tutoring jobs in order to support myself financially through college. I have ...神秘顧客啟德瑣事代辦 NEW獲聘次數0遊戲代打尖沙咀水類運動 NEW獲聘次數0在泳會工作超過3年,有一定教導小朋友游泳經驗及處理小朋友情緒問題,有城大心理學證書及游泳教練level one證明...游泳班不限服務地區外判服務 NEW獲聘次數0問卷調查員神秘顧客活動助理+ 1荃灣企業培訓 NEW獲聘次數0企業Software軟件訓練葵芳外判服務,翻譯服務,學科補習 NEW獲聘次數0BA (CUHK); MPhil (CUHK)中文補習中國歷史補習通識教育補習+ 4太古學科補習 NEW獲聘次數0一般補習中文補習英文補習將軍澳瑣事代辦,辦公室維修及安裝,辦公室清理 NEW獲聘次數0冷氣安裝清潔及維修冷氣機清洗冷氣工程跑腿荃灣學科補習 NEW獲聘次數0Graduated from HKU, I got plentiful experience in tutoring primary and secondary students. I am confident that I will be your trustworthy helper...一般補習數學補習物理補習+ 2不限服務地區健身訓練 NEW獲聘次數0On-field medical support , clinical sport trainer for sport team. To provide medical care for sport team in training and competition, including sport taping, massage, ...私人健身教練伸展班不限服務地區