數碼營銷 NEW獲聘次數0University of portsmouth Marketing 2nd hon 0.5 work experience...內容營銷SMS短訊營銷KOL平台+ 12彩虹外判服務 NEW獲聘次數0Specialized in language tutoring and translation. Provide service in Quality Assurance, esp manual writing and audit/ inspection....商業或企業文件翻譯服務內容寫作校對及文字編輯馬鞍山推拿按摩服務,個人理財 NEW獲聘次數0Perfessional推拿按摩保險經紀不限服務地區外判服務 NEW獲聘次數0Hello, 我係miki, 可以為你提供data entry 既服務,有興趣可以搵我架:)價錢可議的...資料輸入不限服務地區妝髮服務 NEW獲聘次數0H-SE STUDIO WE ARE PROVIDE PROFESSION HAIR COURSE AND HAIR SERVICE AND WE ALSO HAVE VERY GOOD EXPERIENCE IN HAIR INDUSTRY!...社交活動化妝兒童活動化妝攝影髮型及化妝+ 2旺角寵物護理 NEW獲聘次數0Mini有11年寵物美容經驗,很愛錫寵物,歡迎whatsapp預約^^寵物美容小西灣學科補習 NEW獲聘次數1I am a current student in HKU, was admitted to the Bachelor of Economics and Finance program last year. Economics and English were my favourite ...經濟補習英文補習中環旅行安排 NEW獲聘次數0超過20年遠足經驗 9年帶領遠足隊伍經驗 曾任童軍團副團長 持有三級山藝證書、急救證書、運動急救證書及運動按摩證書 多次港島徑全走...旅遊顧問本地導遊不限服務地區瑣事代辦 NEW獲聘次數0跑腿不限服務地區婚禮婚宴 NEW獲聘次數0Hi, welcome to Kuma’s Education. We provide diverse services, including tutoring, writing, translating, editing and designing services. We guarantee providing the best service to you. ...結婚禮物紅磡