影視製作 NEW獲聘次數0Established in 2014, the dynamic team of Pigture is composed of various talents specialized in video productions and graphic design. We are committed providing innovative ...母帶處理混音處理動畫製作+ 5荃灣學科補習 NEW獲聘次數0本人曾於九龍區迦密中學就讀, 於完成中四課程後到英國就就讀中六中七預科課程(GCE ALevel)。現為香港中文大學專業會計學(Professional Accountancy) 學生。 在GCE ...經濟補習會計學原理補習會計補習+ 2不限服務地區翻譯服務 NEW獲聘次數0I graduated in Hong Kong Poly University. Currently work as an editor, good at writing Chinese content and translating Chi to Eng or vice Versa ...履歷編輯中文翻譯英文翻譯大埔感情咨詢 NEW獲聘次數0Hey here is Alvin特色約會安排荃灣婚禮表演 NEW獲聘次數0Piano teaching Theory teaching Piano Accompaniment Event show coordinating (live band / performance)...音樂表演樂隊表演彩虹護理及照顧服務 NEW獲聘次數2感謝您對昊天工程的興趣。我姓林,我們公司目前提供家居、商戶、工廠、街舖、商場等各種場所的各式電器,冷...固定電力裝置故障葵涌婚攝 NEW獲聘次數0By hearing your stories and getting to know more about you, we aim at personalizing your moments and express who you are in every detail. ...結婚註冊攝影婚紗攝影婚禮錄影+ 2油塘裝修設計,局部工程 NEW獲聘次數0專業鋪無縫地板 住家油漆 翻新和維修地板工程油漆工程清拆或還原工程+ 4不限服務地區健身訓練 NEW獲聘次數0On-field medical support , clinical sport trainer for sport team. To provide medical care for sport team in training and competition, including sport taping, massage, ...私人健身教練伸展班不限服務地區婚禮策劃 NEW獲聘次數0修讀心理學碩士課程,考獲八級鋼琴(Distinction) 優異成績。跟隨奧福音樂大師 Doug Goodkin 、 James Hill 在香港及泰國學習...婚禮統籌不限服務地區