語言學習 (19)獲聘次數30[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"Hi! My name is Lucille, you also can call me Ms.Lo. I graduated from the master degree of CityU. I have been working in Education ...普通話班銅鑼灣水類運動 (1)獲聘次數1【私人游泳教練|港九新界 全年招生】 🌊🌊🌊想學習游水嘅大人同小朋友,可以組團上堂!時間彈性,...游泳班黃大仙健身訓練 NEW獲聘次數0I offer TRX, innovative programmes and personal training to fulfil what you need. Whether you want to tone your body, build muscle, relieve tension, pump ...私人健身教練堅尼地城鍵盤樂課程 (1)獲聘次數9Qualifications: -Bachelor of Music, King's College London, UK -LRSM in piano performance -LTCL in piano performance -DipABRSM in piano performance -Grade 8 Theory Adjudicator: -Little ...鋼琴班油麻地語言學習 (8)獲聘次數12Hi I have taught Korean for over 10 years in Hong Kong. If anyone is keen to learn in Korean , it will sure be ...韓文班調景嶺演藝人員 (14)獲聘次數154Friends Junction Dance Company 已創校10年,在太子,觀塘及北角均有分校。舞蹈課程包括Kpop, Jazz Funk, Hip Hop, Kids' Dance. 與FJDC合作的藝人包括: Minzy (2NE1), 港姐馮盈盈等。本校有豐富排練周年晚宴...舞蹈表演太子搬遷/儲存 (2)獲聘次數2[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"富來搬屋公司由開業至今一直以客為本的信念,為顧客提供專業及優質的服務。"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"沒有最好,只有更好"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":""}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":"服務範圍:"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":" 搬屋包裝"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":" 搬寫字樓"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":" 代客清理傢俬"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"text":" 裝修工程"}]}]...鋼琴回收存儲 迷你倉服務上門回收電器+ 1不限服務地區電子產品 (2)獲聘次數2💯3年手機手機/平板維修經驗、1年手機質檢經驗 📱手機維修丨爆mon、換電、換尾插 🍎 iPad丨 換電、換屏、換尾插、死機 🙇🏻♀️服務形式: 🚈地鐵沿...數據恢復平板電腦維修手機維修荔枝角學科補習 (7)獲聘次數9I am a native English speaker and private tutor with over 7 years experience teaching the English language to adults and children in over 4 ...英文補習英國文學補習不限服務地區電子產品 (2)獲聘次數4📱門市定於灣仔188電腦商場267號鋪 (A.S Tech) 🛠️灣仔專業手機,平板,手提電腦維修實體店 。師傅擁有十多年手機維修...手機維修觀塘