設計與訂製 NEW獲聘次數0I’m a freelance calligrapher providing calligraphy services for individual clients and different brands, including but not limited to designing personalized invitations, envelopes and items, writing ...自訂利是封不限服務地區推拿按摩服務,個人理財 NEW獲聘次數0Perfessional推拿按摩保險經紀不限服務地區諮詢服務 NEW獲聘次數0Comprehensive quality engineering, quality control tools and management systems consultancy services (esp., in manufacturing industries, trading and sourcing sectors)....品質檢定顧問荔景傳統營銷 NEW獲聘次數0本人是資深媒體策劃,任職知名廣告公司多年,對各媒體有資深認識,可向有需要人士提供教學及指導,特別適合...電視營銷印刷傳播營銷廣播電台營銷鰂魚涌學科補習,語言學習 NEW獲聘次數0Hello, I am Christy. I previously studied in UK for my A-Levels and achieved 3 A*s. I have also achieved 8.5/9 for my IELTS. I ...英文補習數學補習普通話班+ 3不限服務地區廣告服務 NEW獲聘次數0available immediately商業攝影頭像攝影商品攝影不限服務地區編輯 NEW獲聘次數0經驗剪片修圖, 工作認真影片編輯PS修圖服務不限服務地區學科補習 NEW獲聘次數0目標上完課程升2個grade, 一對一補習 $1000-1200/hr 專教清concept +技巧, 保證唔識教到識 Ig最多人補嘅數學補習老師Nala Sir好評 擅長用簡單方法做數, 有耐性...數學補習沙田會計及簿記 NEW獲聘次數0會計金鐘市場調查及商務分析 NEW獲聘次數0Experienced in direct marketing, survey and fluent mandarin...神秘顧客堅尼地城