學科補習 NEW獲聘次數0My name is Lily. I'm a engineering student from HKUST. I got Trinity ATCL(Distinction) Recital Diploma in Piano and passed ABRSM Grade 8 Music theory. ...通識教育補習中文補習數學補習+ 2九龍灣翻譯服務 NEW獲聘次數0Lancaster University BSc Hons Biomedicine中文論文編輯英文論文編輯英文翻譯+ 1不限服務地區外判服務 NEW獲聘次數0你好, 本人擁有多年文職工作經驗, 現希望可以在Toby尋找Freelance (work at home)工作增加收入, 工作態度良好, 盡責, 歡迎接洽。...資料輸入葵涌武術運動 NEW獲聘次數0跆拳道班九龍城健身訓練 NEW獲聘次數0多年經驗專業個人訓練 標榜健康程序漸進式訓練 達致肌肉線條完美體態私人健身教練紅磡辦公室維修及安裝 NEW獲聘次數0從事高級家具,內裝行業19年經驗,熟悉各種物料同生產工藝, 定能提供專業可靠嘅服務傢俬工程北角學科補習 NEW獲聘次數0曾經是DSE考生,理解考評局所需要的答案,但提供更貼切的教學和練習歷史補習經濟補習一般補習不限服務地區翻譯服務,海外升學,學科補習,數碼營銷 NEW獲聘次數0English Literature graduate working as a writer and editor who is also an avid foodie! I studied in Diocesan Girls' School from P1 to F2. ...GCE補習IGCSE補習英文論文編輯+ 6不限服務地區生活 NEW獲聘次數0Professional photographer specialised in documentary photography, event photography, portraits and others. Past clients include Asia Times, Cultural Trip, The American Chamber of Commerce in Hong ...風景攝影戶外攝影寵物攝影+ 9不限服務地區外判服務 NEW獲聘次數0Graphic design and product design for 6 years. From Hongkong poly U . Business card, flyer . Proficiency on AI, photoshop , solidworks, indesign.....神秘顧客荃灣