語言學習 (1)獲聘次數2I am a native Cantonese speaker who is able to speak Mandarin and English fluently and Thai at a conversational level. I completed a 10-month ...韓文班馬鞍山生活品味 (1)獲聘次數3I am a freelance stylist and photographer, consulting on personal and event styling. Offer head to toe professional advices. Have experinces working with artists. Graduated ...個人形象儀態課程鯉魚門應試準備,學科補習 (1)獲聘次數3I am a female Math tutor, tutoring students studying in various international schools. I tutor all year groups including Further Pure, AdvanceMath, IGCSE and IB. ...數學補習微積分補習奧數補習+ 3不限服務地區辦公室維修及安裝 (1)獲聘次數1室内設計 裝修 大小工程 家私訂造鐵閘維修與安裝維修、更換、安裝門工程防盜窗不限服務地區外判服務 (1)獲聘次數1本人為大專學生,未來半年於公司實習而未能定時工作,故希望接一些工時短的兼職幫補家計。本人對工種沒有特...神秘顧客語音轉錄成文字服務活動助理+ 1彩虹婚攝 (1)獲聘次數10Been in professional photography since 2006 Wedding. Food. Product. Events and more...婚紗攝影結婚註冊攝影婚宴攝影灣仔應試準備,海外升學,學科補習 (1)獲聘次數3Graduated from a Band 1 secondary school and university majoring in English Studies. Excellent grades in Chinese and English. Over 10 years of experience. Experienced ...一般補習中文補習英國文學補習+ 4不限服務地區生活,編輯,婚禮攝錄,廣告服務 (1)獲聘次數1個人網站:https://perry0223.wixsite.com/perry 過住客戶包含平面設計公司、品牌媒體創意行銷公司,知名服飾品牌、、知名連鎖餐飲、進出口產...商業攝影頭像攝影商品攝影+ 15不限服務地區妝髮造型 (1)獲聘次數2Make up artist。 曾就讀香港知專設計學院(HKDI)的時裝及形象設計高級文憑課程,專攻化妝及髮型設計。其後亦再深造University Of Art London 舉辦的Topup Degree fashion makeup course。現在一直都在化妝專櫃的正職,亦有承接正職以外的新娘化妝、派對化妝等的工作。已經有3-4年。...活動髮型及化妝荃灣語言學習 (1)獲聘次數1I graduated in university in France and had been working in French Law Firm for more than seven years. I had some french learning students ...法文班旺角